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Blades:The Long Night

< Blades: Quests: Events
Event Quest
BL-icon-landmark-Portal Inactive.png
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Rarity: Legendary
Location(s): Ayleid Ruins
Reward(s): 0LeveledLeveledGems, 0LeveledLeveledSigils (Every stage, increasing per stage)
Leveled Tempering Materials (Final Stage Bonus)
XP: 700 (Every stage)
ID: EQ42_Ayleid_Quest
The Long Night
Strange tidings come from beyond the portal, telling of a powerful ogre and his diminutive helpers sneaking into dwellings at night to reward the faithful and punish the wicked. Worse yet, they are said to resist all but shock damage and slashing attacks!
BL-icon-Slashing Weapons.png Use slashing weapons
BL-icon-Shock Weapons.png Use weapons that deal shock damage
BL-icon-Shock.png Cast shock spells