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Castles:Balagog gro-Nolob

< Castles: Special Subjects
Balagog gro-Nolob
(lore page)
Race Orc
Gender Male
Initial Age 18
Health Health 100
Magicka Magicka 77
Stamina Stamina 96
Trait(s) Enduring, Perceptive, Considerate, Charming, Melodramatic
Balagog gro-Nolob

Balagog gro-Nolob is a legendary Orc subject. He comes equipped with Tasting Spoon and Gourmet's Mantle.

Has the status of Legendary Cook.

Official DescriptionEdit

Sophisticated by orcish standards, Balagog gro-Nolob is recognized as one of the finest chefs in all of Tamriel, and wrote a series of cookbooks as "the Gourmet".


Occasionally appears in the Store as a special offer or part of a bundle.

With Epic equipmentEdit

You successfully defeated the dragon and caught the attention of Balagog gro-Nolob, also known as "the gourmet", who has come to see if alleged dragon eggs can be cooked!

In additional, copy of the Subject with generic Epic equipment can be obtained upon completion of the The Dragon Claw Maze quest. However, players who completed this quest before patch 1.4 will not be able to get this Subject via this method.


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