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Category:Pages with too many expensive parser function calls

Notice.svg Please do not propose this category for deletion even if it is empty or its only entry is itself.
This category may be empty occasionally or even most of the time.

This category lists pages with too many expensive parser function calls. This may result in the page being improperly displayed. To eliminate this issue, reduce calls to parser functions like #ifexist/#ifexistx and {{PAGESINCATEGORY}}. On UESP, this is commonly caused by too many calls to any of the following templates (including pages transcluded to the listed page):

With the exception of Cite Book, these templates can often be replaced by hard links, which are much less of a burden on the wiki and will make the page display faster. Note that these are not the only templates that can contribute to the issue, just the most commonly used in large numbers.


This category has only the following subcategory.