Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to the Fighter Quester of a Fighters Guild.
- Head to the dungeon the Fighter Quester mentions.
- Find the lich within the dungeon and destroy it.
- Return to the Fighter Quester within the time limit and collect your reward.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Undead DangerEdit
The Fighter Quester says:
- "Listen, (player's first name), if you hadn't already done a bunch of jobs for us already, I wouldn't even suggest this, but there's a job I don't even want to tell you about. It sounds like crying for the moon, and more dangerous. It's offing a lich in (dungeon). And it only pays (random amount) gold. You're not interested, are you?"
The Fighter Quester goes on:
- "Aw, I knew I shouldn't have mentioned it. Listen, if you're really gonna do this, get the best stuff you can get, magic stuff, ebony blades, what have you. This lich has to cross to Oblivion in (time limit) days, and you gotta be back here within that time to get your reward. You're unbelievable, (player's first name). Good luck. You're gonna need it."
The Fighter Quester answers:
- "Thank (random god) you got a little sense left. We'll just let that lich do whatever the hell it wants to do. That's fine with me."
Slay the LichEdit
This quest is a standard dungeon crawl; find the lich within the dungeon and dispose of it. Depending on your level, there may be multiple liches in the dungeon, and (unlike other quests) you will not be notified if you destroy the one you are looking for (see bugs). However, the correct lich will always be at one of the dungeon's quest locations. You will need mithril weapons or better to harm the lich; protection against magic and paralysis effects is also beneficial, as it will attack with Fireball and Wizard Rend spells.
Return to the Fighter Quester after killing the lich, and he will say:
- "I didn't expect to see you again, (player's first name), no foolin'. (Random god) must be lookin' out after you. Here's your (random gold) gold. Enjoy it."
Reputation Gain/LossEdit
A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.
Faction/Person | Reputation Gain |
Fighters Guild | +5 |
Fighter Questers | +5 |
Associated factions | +2 |
A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.
Faction/Person | Reputation Gain |
Fighters Guild | -2 |
Fighter Questers | -2 |
Associated factions | -1 |
(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered in the tables.)
- Random dungeon monsters
- Quest Target: One lich
- According to the game files, the reward for this quest was originally supposed to include a dungeon map. There is unused dialogue in which the Fighter Quester adds: "Here, take this map to (random dungeon). Should be just the kind of thing that a lich-killer like you does before breakfast."
- This issue is fixed by DFQFIX, which adds a 50% chance of receiving a dungeon map as an additional reward and restores the missing dialogue.
- Also in the game files, hitting the correct lich the first time is supposed to result in a notification where the lich says: "Puny mortal! You should not have attempted to interfere with the affairs of the undead. Now I shall add you to my collection of slain (player's race) mercenaries."
- This issue is fixed by DFQFIX, which restores the notification for hitting the target creature.
Additional DialogueEdit
After you have accepted this quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:
- "I hear some stupid (player's race)'s going to take on the lich in (dungeon)."
- "Everyone's placing bets on that (player's race) that's going after that lich in (dungeon)."
If you fail the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:
- "That lich is still out there somewhere, and it's not happy with us."
- "I wish they had just left that lich alone. They just made it mad."
If you successfully complete the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:
- "Someone actually killed that lich! I thought liches were immortal."
- "I lost money betting against that (player's race) that went to kill that lich."
If you successfully complete the quest, the quest giver may later greet you with:
- "The lich slayer has returned! What will it be now? Dragons? Daedras?"
If you failed the quest, the quest giver will greet you with:
- "I wouldn't have taken a job to face a lich. Never understood why you did. Now you just look stupid because you weren't able to kill it."
Quest LogEdit
Fighters Lich (m0b30y04) | ||
Stage/ Index |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
0 | (Date): The Fighters Guild of (town) has hired me to slay a lich in (time limit) days or less. The liches' lair is a place called (dungeon). |