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Daggerfall:Flesh Atronach

< Daggerfall: Bestiary
Flesh Atronach
DF-creature-Flesh Atronach.gif
Level: 16
HP: 25-130
AC: 6
Damage: 5-15
Spell Points: 0
Strength: 125 Intelligence: 78
Willpower: 80 Agility: 90
Endurance: 95 Personality: 69
Speed: 61 Luck: 55
Treasure: Nil

Flesh Atronachs are golems made of stitched-together cadavers and possess a poison-based damage aura. They can be hit by weapons of any material.



  • None

Fighting StrategiesEdit

Some people never experience the damage auras of atronachs,[verification needed — needs confirmation] so melee attacks are recommended. Lower level characters who wish to avoid melee may use electricity-based spells.


  • Flesh Atronachs should not be confused with zombies. Some may be daedra similar to those Atronachs in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim,[1] while others are artificially created.[2]
  • Although Flesh Atronachs have the Low Tolerance to Poison disadvantage, it is negated by their Immunity to Poison advantage.
