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Daggerfall:Orsinium Area

< Daggerfall: Places: Regions
Orsinium Area: Region Summary
DF-map-Orsinium Area.png
Province High Rock
Ruler Gortwog
Capital Orsinium
Populace Orc
Knightly Order None
Patron Deity None
Regional Temple None
Vampire Bloodline Lyrezi
Distinct Locations 80
Cities, Towns, Villages 3
Homes, Farms, Taverns 19
Temples & Shrines 0
Distinct Dungeons 58
Witch Covens 0

The Orsinium Area is a region within High Rock that borders Wayrest, Menevia, and the Wrothgarian Mountains. The region is populated by Orcs and Bretons. The provincial seat is the stronghold of Orsinium.

The region has no regional deity.

Political ViewsEdit

Political Factions
(by influence)
Court of Orsinium
People of Orsinium
Allies None
Enemies None

Service LocationsEdit

There are no Guilds within the Orsinium Area.

Location Name Merchant Locations Temple Locations
Alchemists Armorers Banks Clothing Stores General Stores Pawn Shops Weapon Smiths
Midpath Hill Gen ZZZ
Reytry Alc Ban Gen Paw Arkay
Ripwold Alc Arm Clo Gen Wea ZZZ
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