Name |
Type |
Dungeon Modules |
Ruins of The Old Gaersly Hovel |
Desecrated Temple |
13 |
Ruins of Ashford Manor |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Castle Kingcroft |
Crypt |
13 |
Ruins of The Hold of Kington |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
Ruins of The Tower of Ashston |
Ruined Castle |
11 |
The Kinging Burial Ground |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Tower Greenfield |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
The Gaersly Graveyard |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of The Hold of Gaersmith |
Mine |
13 |
Ruins of Old Evelolda's Hovel |
Ruined Castle |
10 |
The Hold of Hawkston |
Natural Cave |
12 |
Ruins of Castle Ashfield |
Desecrated Temple |
8 |
Sekrugoth |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Stronghold of Orsinium |
Orc Stronghold |
15 |
Ruins of Old Carolyssa's Hovel |
Mine |
8 |
Ruins of Buckingford Hall |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Ruins of The Old Ashing Shack |
Orc Stronghold |
14 |
Ruins of Woodton Orchard |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
Ruins of Old Gwynyna's Place |
Ruined Castle |
13 |
Azrath |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Gripdoth |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
Gromgaus |
Orc Stronghold |
11 |
Skodon |
Orc Stronghold |
12 |
The Homunebas Shrine |
Desecrated Temple |
10 |
Ruins of Mooring Grange |
Natural Cave |
13 |
Ruins of The Masterhart Cabin |
Volcanic Caves |
12 |
The Grotto of Balebras |
Volcanic Caves |
12 |
Ruins of Moorsmith's Hold |
Desecrated Temple |
12 |
Sekus |
Orc Stronghold |
13 |
Ruins of Masterston Manor |
Mine |
10 |
Ruins of Castle Copperfield |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Ruins of Kington Hall |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Ruins of The Old Gaering Shack |
Mine |
12 |
Ruins of The Old Hawkston Shack |
Orc Stronghold |
12 |
Vermrock |
Orc Stronghold |
13 |
Ruins of Old Barbara's Hovel |
Volcanic Caves |
8 |
Ruins of Hawksmith's Hold |
Natural Cave |
13 |
Ruins of Mastersmith Tower |
Orc Stronghold |
11 |
Ruins of Old Barbyrrya's Hovel |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Ruins of Kingsmith Hall |
Crypt |
10 |
Ruins of Yeomford Hall |
Desecrated Temple |
10 |
The Andywyr Mines |
Mine |
12 |
Gromotten |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
Ruins of Hearthsmith Manor |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Ruins of Yeomcroft Tower |
Crypt |
8 |
Ruins of Coppercroft Grange |
Mine |
10 |
Castle Ashston |
Ruined Castle |
12 |
The Hole of Asmulexah |
Natural Cave |
13 |
Ruins of Gaerton Manor |
Desecrated Temple |
13 |
THe Crypts of Hearthhart |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of Old Vyctara's Farm |
Volcanic Caves |
10 |
Ruins of Wickcroft Tower |
Desecrated Temple |
8 |
Ruins of Kingston Hall |
Orc Stronghold |
10 |
The Tombs of Kinging |
Forgotten Cemetery |
5 |
Ruins of Greenston Hall |
Orc Stronghold |
13 |
Ruins of The Kinghart Farmstead |
Ruined Castle |
13 |
Druloth |
Orc Stronghold |
8 |
Ruins of The Moorhart Farmstead |
Crypt |
10 |