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General:Matt Grandstaff

< General: Developers
Matthew Grandstaff
GEN-developer-Matt Grandstaff 01.jpg
Role(s) Community Manager
Bethesda Softworks tenure Apr 2007–Aug 2019[1]
Alias(es) Gstaff

Matt Grandstaff, or Gstaff, was the Community Manager for Bethesda Softworks. Before they were both depreciated, Gstaff was an administrator of both the Official Forums and the Bethblog, additionally writing the articles for the blog. Grandstaff left both Bethesda Game Studios and Bethesda Softworks for Epic Games around August 2019.[1]

In the context of Morrowind Modding, he is most well known for having conducted Modding Interviews with Morrowind Modders, and answering legal and other miscellaneous questions in the context of modding.

Elder Scrolls Game CreditsEdit

See AlsoEdit

  • Matt Grandstaff's Posts — Posts by Grandstaff about The Elder Scrolls on various platforms under the name Gstaff

External LinksEdit


  1. ^ a b LinkedInMatt Grandstaff
  2. ^ Skyrim: Credits
  3. ^ a b MobyGamesMatthew Grandstaff
  4. ^ Legends: Credits
  5. ^ Blades: Credits
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