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General:Update 44 Base-Game Patch Now Live on PC/Mac

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Originally published October 28, 2024. The original article can be found here.

Find glory in the updated Battlegrounds, recruit new Companions, and develop your mastery of Scribing in the Update 44 base-game patch.

The Update 44 base-game patch is now live on PC/Mac, and it introduces a host of changes, fixes, and additions to The Elder Scrolls Online.

ON-misc-Update 44 Features.jpg

This update is free for all ESO players (and will be automatically downloaded and patched by the game), but note that the two new Companions require either ESO Plus membership or purchase from the Crown Store to access. Check out the full patch notes for Update 44 on our official forums.

(In original article, link to patch notes here)

New FeaturesEdit

The Update 44 base-game patch adds a ton of new features, challenges, and rewards to the game.

Battlegrounds UpdateEdit

ESO's fast-paced PvP experience, Battlegrounds, has undergone a series of dramatic changes designed to make the game mode (originally introduced with the Morrowind Chapter back in 2017) more competitive and fun for every type of player.

(In original article, link to Youtube video "Conquer the Battlegrounds" here)

Changes include a shift from the original 4v4v4 to the new 4v4 and 8v8-sized matches, the addition of seven brand-new maps of various sizes, new rewards and mechanics, and a unique leaderboard for the 4v4 competitive-styled option.

To jump right into the action, use the Activity Finder, select Battlegrounds, and select your match size. No matter what kind of PvP player you are, you can enjoy the frenetic action of the new-look Battlegrounds—to glory!

New CompanionsEdit

Update 44 also introduces two brand-new Companions for you to recruit and adventure with: Tanlorin and Zerith-var. The High Elf outcast Tanlorin mixes Dragonknight and Soul Magic abilities (the first Companion to do so). Zerith-var, on the other hand, is a Khajiit Necromancer from the distant past.

Tanlorin and Zerith-var

Both Companions have their own passive abilities to unlock along with their own questlines and stories to tell, giving you the opportunity to discover more about these interesting adventuring allies.

Note that to unlock both new allies, you need to find them within the Companions section of the in-game Crown Store. They are listed as free for ESO Plus members or available for purchase with crowns if you don’t currently have an active membership. Once unlocked, you can find Tanlorin just outside Vulkhel Guard in Auridon and Zerith-var near Moonmont in Reaper’s March.

New Grimoire, Scripts, Skill Styles, and MoreEdit

First introduced with the Gold Road Chapter and Update 42 in June, the Scribing System also continues to expand with Update 44. This includes a brand-new Grimoire to unlock and customize, called Banner Bearer. Banner Bearer is part of the Support Skill Line and grants you the ability to throw a banner on your back and buff your group’s abilities based on your chosen Focus.

Master new abilities and styles

In addition to this new ability, 14 existing scripts are now applicable to nine launch Grimoires, and a selection of four new Skill Styles help you stand out on the battlefield. Skill Styles include a molten variant for the Puncture ability, a wildburn variant for Force Shock, and more.

You can acquire the new Banner Bearer Grimoire from Chronicler Firandil within the Scholarium. Check the patch notes for a complete list of Scribing additions. Don’t forget, you need access to the Gold Road Chapter to begin your Scribing journey.

Golden PursuitsEdit

A new way to earn in-game collectibles, items, and currencies, Golden Pursuits is a new reward system included with Update 44. Highly variable, a Golden Pursuits campaign asks players to complete various tasks as they adventure in Tamriel with a series of rewards granted for specific milestones.

Earn rewards with Golden Pursuits

The first Golden Pursuits campaign won’t be active until the middle of November, so keep an eye out for an official announcement and get ready to earn new in-game rewards.

Imperial City ChangesEdit

If you enjoy battling both your fellow players AND invading Daedra in the heart of the empire, the Imperial City has also undergone a few changes within its war-torn streets and sewers. This includes improvements to how Imperial Vaults work. For starters, Imperial City keys and key fragments convert to Imperial Fragments, and vault treasure chests become vendors.

In addition, many of the area’s existing vendors have enjoyed upgrades to their wares, including their quality and selection. With Update 44, plundering the capital has never been more rewarding!

Additional Features & ImprovementsEdit

Arriving in tandem with the above new features are a series of improvements, additions, and features that all ESO players will appreciate. This includes:

  • An increase of furnishing base materials in regular harvest nodes
  • HDR support for PC players
    • Including various new visual settings such as HDR scene brightness and contrast
  • The addition of quest pips for Master Writs
    • Including both quest markers and objective tracking
  • The addition of bonus PvP perks for ESO Plus members
    • 10% boost to Alliance Points earned (the currency), your PvP Skill Line ranks, and Alliance rank (not leaderboards or Rewards of the Worthy grant rate)
    • 10% boost to Tel Var Stones gained from killing monsters

These are just some of the changes and additions coming with Update 44. For more on all of the above and info on the bugfixes and balance tweaks arriving with this new base-game patch, be sure to check out the Patch Notes on our official forums.

New Battles, Allies, and RewardsEdit

Whether you’re an experienced veteran of ESO's fast-paced PvP mode, a humble adventurer seeking new allies, or an explorer of the unknown pursuing new powers and rewards, Update 44 has something for you! Are you ready to rejoin the Battlegrounds? Which Companion will you recruit first? Tell us via X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook.

The Update 44 base-game patch is now live on PC/Mac and arrives on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on November 13.