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Legends:Daggerfall Mage

< Legends: Cards
Daggerfall Mage
Creature (Breton)
LG-card-Daggerfall Mage.png
Deck code ID dV
Card Set LG-icon-Core Set.png Core Set
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png3
Attribute Intelligence Intelligence
Power Power 2 Health Health 2
Rarity Legendary Legendary
When Daggerfall Mage's Ward is broken, put a Tome of Alteration into your hand.

Daggerfall Mage is a legendary Intelligence creature card. It is available as part of the Core Set.


When summoned:

"By the Eight, they will meet their makers!"
"By the fires of Oblivion!"

When attacking:

"Gall and pox!"
"Out upon it!"
"Sheor take you!"

