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Legends:Sharp-Eyed Ashkhan

< Legends: Cards
Sharp-Eyed Ashkhan
Creature (Dark Elf)
LG-card-Sharp-Eyed Ashkhan.png
Deck code ID nU
Card Set LG-icon-Houses of Morrowind.png Houses of Morrowind
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png6
Attribute Strength Strength
Power Power 6 Health Health 6
Rarity Legendary Legendary
Plot: Discard your hand, then draw three cards.

Sharp-Eyed Ashkhan is a legendary Strength creature card. It is available as part of the Houses of Morrowind expansion.


When summoned:

"Prophecies are but words. I judge by deeds."

When attacking:

"No outlander shall steal hope from us!"

