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Legends:Sly Marshblade

< Legends: Cards
Sly Marshblade
Creature (Argonian)
LG-card-Sly Marshblade.png
Deck code ID oE
Card Set LG-icon-Promotional.png Forgotten Hero Collection
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png2
Attribute Agility Agility
Power Power 3 Health Health 2
Rarity Rare Rare
Last Gasp: Draw a card if you have 7 or more max magicka.

Sly Marshblade is a rare Agility creature card. It is available as part of the Forgotten Hero Collection.


When summoned:

"I stand ready."
"Sign me up!"
"I didn't come here alone."

When attacking:

"By my honor!"
"I swear vengeance!"
"Scaleless coward!"
