Adamantium (also called Adamantine) is a rare and ageless metal used for making valuable armor and weapons. It is typically seen in a lustrous silvery color dubbed "Adamantine Silver", though during the Imperial Simulacrum throughout Tamriel, equipment made from the material had a stone blue hue, while adamantium with a dark grey color was present throughout the Iliac Bay during the events leading up to the Warp in the West. The ore is very heavy and can be used in alchemy. Adamantium armor can appear as either a high-quality heavy weight armor or medium weight armor. It is above the quality of Mithril or Orichalcum, but is inferior to Stalhrim and Ebony. The armor has a high potential for enchantment. Adamantium weapons can harm magical creatures that resist normal weapons.
Alkanet Flower is a fairly common flower in the West Weald region of Cyrodiil. The flowers are usually found in groups of two to five and normally grow near rocks.
Aloe Vera Leaves come from the Aloe Vera plant and are well-known for their healing properties. Aloe can prevent bleeding as well as lessen the effects of pox.
Amber is a colorful resin formed from hardened sap. It is especially common in the Shivering Isles, and blacksmiths there often craft amber weapons and armor.
The ingredient Ambrosia is one of two ingredients that comes from the plant Mana Bloom. Mana Blooms grow almost exclusively on the plane Gaiar Alata and therefore Ambrosia is quite a rare ingredient.
Ash Salt is a highly magical substance made up of hard grey crystals formed from the ash deposited by ash storms. Ash Salt is often collected from the remains of creatures like the ash slave, the ash ghoul, and ash zombie.
Ashen Grass Pods is an ingredient harvested from Spiky Grass plants unique to Solstheim. The plant looks similar to the grass pod found in mainland Skyrim, only this type is grey in color and has different alchemical properties.