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< Lore: Weapons

Atlatls (also called flinging-sticks) are throwing devices employed to launch spears or darts with increased force and accuracy,[1] in similar fashion to a slings but used for different types of projectiles.[2]

They have applications outside of combat or hunting. Similar to slings, which find use in Orcish traditional sports,[3] atlatls are also utilized for recreational purposes in Argonian games. In the traditional Murkwater game "The Toad Flies at Dusk," players utilize enameled flinging-sticks that terminate in shallow cups. Based on the name, these specialized flinging-sticks, also known as toad-atlatls, are likely used to launch frogs. Some of them were cherished heirlooms belonging to chieftains of Argonian tribes.[1]

Some sources mention other implements known as sling-spears.[UOL 1]

See AlsoEdit


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.