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Consul Cardea
ON-npc-Consul Cardea.jpg
Consul Cardea
Race Imperial Gender Female
Born 2nd Era
Resided in Markarth
Appears in ESO

Consul Cardea, also known as the Ard's Administrator was the administrator of Markarth during the times of the Longhouse Dynasty and after its fall, during the events of Three Banners War in the sixth century of the Second Era.[1][2] She was also a prolific writer. She was an author of two books related to the history and the politics of the Reachfolk: Politics of the Reach,[3] and History of Markarth: A Story in Stone.[4] She also penned an autobiographical text An Imperial in Markarth,[5] and numerous other documents of administrative nature, as well as a leaflet for contractors willing to aid the city of Markarth.[6]


Ard Caddach

Circa 2E 568, Consul Cardea was sent from her post in Imperial City by the order of Emperor Leovic to aid Markarth as the administrator and provide a conduit between Cyrodiil and the Reach.[3] It was her first assignment.[1] She served under Caddach, who acted as an Imperial Governor of Markarth. After the fall of the Longhouse dynasty, in 2E 577[7] Caddach set aside his Imperial title and took the old Reach title of ard instead.[4] During his tenure as the Governor he came to appreciate Cardea's administrative skills. When the Empire fell, he requested her to stay and she agreed. She has grown to love the Markarth and its people and devoted her life to helping the region.[1][3][5]

One year later, in 2E 578 her book Politics of the Reach was published.[3] Her other works:History of Markarth: A Story in Stone and An Imperial in Markarth were both written at an unknown date, but both were published after the fall of the Loghouse dynasty.[5][4]

In 2E 582 one of her duties was overseeing the contract jobs. She assisted the Stonehands and the ambassador of the Arenthia's scholarly institution in organizing the contracts. She was responsible for maintaining the records for the job brokers,[1][2] and writing various other documents, including the leaflets.[6]

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