The Imperial Battle College is an institution within the Cyrodilic Empire dedicated to training Imperial Battlemages and Guardsmen.[1][2]:18 Its elite training facility was the Battlespire, where Guard Potentials and apprentice battlemages train in the schools of magic, magical and martial warfare,[3] and combatting the forces of Oblivion.[4] It has existed since at least 2E 580, when the Battlespire's reserves were depleted in the wake of the Three Banners War.[3]
The College curriculum contained the practice of necromancy, resulting in conflict with Errandil, a Living Saint of Arkay who considered the craft wicked.[5]
The Potentials Battle Tourney was hosted annually to find suitable candidates for apprenticeship in the College. The first and second best-performing students were sent to the Battlespire for training as Imperial Guardsmen.[2]:18-19 Members of the Imperial Guard were considered by some as the greatest warrior-mages on Tamriel.[UOL 1]
In 3E 433, Emperor Uriel Septim VII was assassinated by the Mythic Dawn. By the order of Battlemage Ocato, the College, along with several other Imperial institutions, was committed to bringing the assassins to justice.[6]
- ^ The Elder Scrolls - 10th Anniversary, originally found at
- ^ a b Battlespire Athenaeum — Ronald Wartow
- ^ a b Meet the Character - Lucilla Caprenia — Martus Tullius
- ^ Martus Tullius' dialogue in ESO: Waking Flame
- ^ Guide to Cheydinhal — Alessia Ottus
- ^ Assassination!
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.