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Lore:Jovial Lambasters

< Lore: Factions: J
Jovial Lambasters's headquarters
Ferrus Mallon

The Jovial Lambasters were a prominent and exclusive group dedicated to the worship and celebration of the Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile in Rimmen.[1] During the Interregnum the cult allowed the local Outlaw's Refuge to function in return for dues paid by all who worked there. At that time they were the most powerful faction active in Rimmen and were a closed organization. They were known to offer wealth, power, and prestige, but always for a price.[2] The membership of the cult was highly desired by some outlaws as it provided a number of perks.[3] Others however, considered them "a bunch of criminal loons" and declined the invitation.[4]

Circa 2E 582, the cult was led by an Imperial man named Ferrus Mallon,[2] and had its headquarters in the tunnels beneath Rimmen.[5] Little is known of the exact numbers of the cult, but it is known that they had Imperials, Bosmer, and Khajiit among their ranks.[6][7][8]

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