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Lore:Cinnabar of Taneth

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Lady Cinnabar of Taneth
ON-npc-Lady Cinnabar.jpg
Lady Cinnabar of Taneth
Race Redguard Gender Female
Born 2nd Era
Resided in Tower of the Fifth Doctrine, Taneth
Imperial City
Appears in ESO
"You must seek the answer elsewhere, for that is where scholarship ends and theology begins."
—Lady Cinnabar of Taneth[1]

Lady Cinnabar of Taneth was an influential Redguard scholar, prolific writer and a mage active during the Interregnum of the Second Era,[2] known for her numerous specialties and her rivalry with Phrastus of Elinhir. They were known to often reference each other in their works and question the academic credibility of one another,[3][4][5] with Phrastus personally referring to her as the Shrew of Taneth.[6]


Cinnabar and Phrastus

Little is known about Lady Cinnabar's personal life. She hailed from Taneth and resided in the Tower of the Fifth Doctrine. Although she used the noble title of "Lady," she referred to herself as a humble scholar.[3]

She authored a number of texts devoted to various fields of study, including Mundus Stones,[7] aetherial fragments,[8] common cultural practices associated with Daedric worship, styles of weaponry and armor used by the Ra Gada,[9] and ancient Meridian cults.[10] Her works also covered cultural texts focused on Prince Hubalajad and his role in Redguard history,[11] an examination of Empress Alessia, the study of various branches of the Glenmoril Wyrd,[12] the Breton knightly orders and their role in culture of the High Rock,[13] the similarities between Xarxes, Tu'whacca, and Arkay as psychopomps,[1] and a study of the Wardens and their magical abilities.[14][15] She was also the author of Subtropical Cyrodiil: A Speculation, in which she discussed the climate of Cyrodiil and its relationship to the White-Gold Tower.[3]

She also provided correspondence interviews where she explained topics pertaining to the Et'Ada, the original spirits, and the Celestials.[16] She also partook in shared interview alongside with Phrastus, discussing the Fang Lair and Zaan the Scalecaller.[17]

Lady Cinnabar's rivalry with Phrastus of Elinhir was well known and thoroughly documented. Their publications frequently sought to debunk or even slander one another. There are several notable examples of their academic feud found even outside of their publications.[6][18][19] For instance, Phrastus' speculation that ogres' gray-blue skin camouflages them against the sky was convincingly debunked by Lady Cinnabar.[5][20] The definition of the Atmoran term "Wittestadr" has also been a subject of debate between the two. While Phrastus translated it as "Whit's Daughter," Lady Cinnabar argued it held a darker meaning: "Wit Shatter."[21] Furthermore, Phrastus claimed that "Zalgaz" was Old Nedic for "lizard lady," but Lady Cinnabar dismissed this as "a reeking load of guarwash."[22]

Cinnabar was also referenced by other scholars, such as Firenlle of the Mages Guild in her On Welkynd Stones,[23] and by Cirantille in her biased Ogres: A Summary, in a positive and neutral light.[5] She was also mentioned in numerous works by her rival, Phrastus of Elinhir, including Daedra Worship: The Ayleids,[24] Daedra Worship: The Chimer,[25] Field Guide to Spriggans,[26] Introduction to Aedric Studies,[27] The Heartland of Cyrodiil,[4] and Unhallowed Legions.[28] Lady Clarisse Laurent claimed that Cinnabar of Taneth would have an opinions regarding the topic of Akaviri burial masks.[29]

One of her more personal correspondences, dated the 12th of Morning Star, was addressed to Mistress Veroine Gimbert of The Mystic's Mirage in Sentinel. In the letter, Lady Cinnabar acknowledges the receipt of a shipment of books, which included titles such as The Five Points of the Star, Twin Secrets, Sacred Rites of the Stonechewers, and Relics of Saint Veloth. However, she politely pointed out an error in the shipment: a mix-up in the fifth book, which should have been Boethiah and Her Avatars, instead of Cheeses of Tamriel.[30]

In 2E 582, Lady Cinnabar was among the many civilians in the Imperial City forced to flee from the Planemeld Obverse, seeking refuge in the sewer systems beneath the city. During this time, she shared shelter with her rival, Phrastus of Elinhir.[2][6]


Works WrittenEdit

Name Description
Aetherial Fragments A description of the fragments of Aetherius
A Matter of Voice and Brass An interview with Lady Cinnabar and her rival
Crafting Motif 72: Meridian Style A guide to crafting armor and weapons in the Meridian style
Crafting Motif 28: Ra Gada Style A guide to crafting armor and weapons in the Ra Gada style
In Defense of Prince Hubalajad A treatise on the myth of the witless "Prince Hew"
Lady Cinnabar Answers Your Questions Lady Cinnabar answers questions on lore
Mysteries of the Mundus Stones Lady Cinnabar's theories on magicka
Persistence of Daedric Veneration A response to a rival author
Receipt for Arcane Tomes A receipt of delivery
Saint and Slave-Queen: Alessia and the Lens of Gender A celebrated tract about the Empress Alessia
Subtropical Cyrodiil: A Speculation Thoughts on the climate of Cyrodiil and its relationship to the White-Gold Tower
The Glenmoril Wyrd A description of witches of the Glenmoril Wyrd
The Knightly Orders of High Rock A description of Breton knights
Tu'whacca, Arkay, Xarxes A discussion on the similarity of gods
Who Are the Wardens? A description of the Wardens

Featured InEdit

Name Author Description
Daedra Worship: The Ayleids Phrastus of Elinhir A description of Daedric worship by the Ayleids
Daedra Worship: The Chimer Phrastus of Elinhir A description of Daedric worship by the Chimer
Field Guide to Spriggans Phrastus of Elinhir A guide to spriggans
Introduction to Aedric Studies Phrastus of Elinhir A syllabus for a series of lectures
Lady Clarisse Laurent Answers Your Questions Lady Clarisse Laurent and Stibbons A Breton archaeologist answers questions on lore
Ogres: A Summary Cirantille A description of ogres
On Welkynd Stones Scholar Firenlle of the Mages Guild A study of Ayleid magic
The Heartland of Cyrodiil Phrastus of Elinhir A description of the Heartlands
Unhallowed Legions Phrastus of Elinhir A study into the undead of Tamriel


  • Lawrence Schick was the writer who designed Lady Cinnabar of Taneth and her rival Phrastus of Elinhir.[UOL 1]
  • Lady Cinnabar of Taneth is also credited with the following quotes:
    • Context is everything! Drinking in a temple can be completely respectable, especially if part of the drink is poured off as a libation for the Divines. However, drunken misbehavior, unless called for in a specific ritual, should be avoided, lest it give offense to the pious, who may demand that the inebriates be punished for their disrespect.[UOL 2]
    • The Glenmoril Wyresses are deep in the mysteries of Hircine, and are known to have access to beast-form magic unavailable to more 'civilized' mages.[UOL 2]

See AlsoEdit


  1. ^ a b Tu'whacca, Arkay, XarxesLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  2. ^ a b Lady Cinnabar's dialogue in ESO: Imperial City
  3. ^ a b c Subtropical Cyrodiil: A SpeculationLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  4. ^ a b The Heartland of CyrodiilPhrastus of Elinhir
  5. ^ a b c Ogres: A SummaryCirantille
  6. ^ a b c Phrastus of Elinhir's dialogue in ESO: Imperial City
  7. ^ Mysteries of the Mundus StonesLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  8. ^ Aetherial FragmentsLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  9. ^ Crafting Motif 28: Ra Gada StyleLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  10. ^ Crafting Motif 72: Meridian StyleLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  11. ^ In Defense of Prince HubalajadLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  12. ^ The Glenmoril WyrdLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  13. ^ The Knightly Orders of High RockLady Cinnabar of Taneth
  14. ^ Who Are the Wardens?Lady Cinnabar of Taneth
  15. ^ ESO: Morrowind – Who are the Wardens truly?
  16. ^ Lady Cinnabar Answers Your QuestionsLady Cinnabar
  17. ^ A Matter of Voice and Brass: Dragon Bones DLC InterviewPhrastus of Elinhir, Lady Cinnabar
  18. ^ Special ZOS Lore Master Interview with Lawrence Schick
  19. ^ Loremaster's Episode of ESO-RP ZOS Interview
  20. ^ Serpent Hollow Cave's loading screen in ESO
  21. ^ Wittestadr's loading screen in ESO
  22. ^ Zalgaz's Den's loading screen in ESO
  23. ^ On Welkynd StonesScholar Firenlle of the Mages Guild
  24. ^ Daedra Worship: The AyleidsPhrastus of Elinhir
  25. ^ Daedra Worship: The ChimerPhrastus of Elinhir
  26. ^ Field Guide to SpriggansPhrastus of Elinhir
  27. ^ Introduction to Aedric StudiesPhrastus of Elinhir
  28. ^ Unhallowed LegionsPhrastus of Elinhir
  29. ^ Lady Clarisse Laurent Answers Your QuestionsLady Clarisse Laurent and Stibbons
  30. ^ Receipt for Arcane TomesLady Cinnabar of Taneth

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.