Lore:Lefthand Empire
The Lefthand Empire was an empire of the Lefthanded Elves that existed on Yokuda in the Merethic Era.[1][UOL 1] Very little is known about the empire, and it is best remembered from its conflict with the ancient Yokudans, who were said to have fought with them for a thousand years.[2]
While most sources deduce that they were a variant of Mer (presumably from Aldmer stock), others question this narrative and claim this was a Yokudan transcription error where "Elf" and "enemy" are essentially the same, and that Lefthanded Elves were simply Lefthanded enemies.[1][3]
Regardless, it is said their vast empire was four times the size the Third Empire under Tiber Septim, which itself accounted for the entirety of Tamriel.[UOL 1] Eventually the Yokudans defeated the Lefthanded Elves and drove them out of Yokuda in the Merethic Era, although some remnants remained on outlying islands such as Moni. They briefly settled in some parts of western Tamriel such as on Amenos in 1E 660 before being wiped out by the encroaching Ra Gada in 1E 785.[1][4]
- ^ a b c Systres History: Volume 2 — Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History, University of Gwylim
- ^ Ash'abah Pass and Nilata Ruins Loading Screens in ESO
- ^ Totambu Chrysocollas antiquity codex entry in ESO
- ^ Secrets of Amenos — Miramel Charascel, Chairperson of the Gonfalon Bay Historical and Social Society
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.