- "If you're given a clear order to steal, injure, poison, stab, or generally do murder, your brain is only to help you with the method and the execution. You are an instrument, a utensil of the Empire." – Intendant Marall[1]
Penitus Oculatus means "The Inner Eyes." As their name suggests, they are the eyes, the sword, and the shield of the Mede Dynasty.[2]
They seemingly took up the duties of the Imperial Order of Blades and Imperial Guard after the fall of the Septim Dynasty.
In the Fourth Era, as the Septim's royal family decayed, and the Dragonborn Emperors were no more, the Blades saw fit to distance themselves from the Empire,[3] espousing to no longer serve as the Imperial honor guard, and working from afar as an intelligence agency and "neutral" allies of the Empire.[2][4]
Around this time, the Penitus Oculatus came into the fray, becoming the new intelligence, assassination, and security force of the new royal family.[2] Unlike the Blades, the Penitus Oculatus is a purely Imperial organization.[3] The Penitus Oculatus requires its members to have sharp senses and a willingness to kill. Their recruitment process is oftentimes a brutal one, as displayed by Inspector Colin's task to assassinate an old man. The purpose of such a recruitment process was to weed out those unwilling to actually go through with murder and other usually immoral tasks.[1]
Sometime in the early Fourth Era, a man named Julius Primus began calling himself the new King of Worms but was eventually put down by the Penitus Oculatus.[5]:Part 2, Chapter 6
Circa 4E 40, Remar Vel was the Administrator of the Penitus Oculatus.[1]
Notable MembersEdit
- Remar Vel, Administrator of Penitus Oculatus circa 4E 40[1]
- Marall, Intendant of Penitus Oculatus circa 4E 40[1]
- Colin Vineben, Inspector of Penitus Oculatus circa 4E 40, played an integral role in stopping the Umbriel Crisis, exposed the corrupt Prime Minister Hierem[1]
- Maro, Commander of Penitus Oculatus in Skyrim circa 4E 201, played an integral role in the destruction of the last known Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in Tamriel, failed to protect his liege, Emperor Titus Mede II, from assassins[6]
- Arcturus, played a role in the destruction of the last known Dark Brotherhood sanctuary in Tamriel[6]
Penitus Oculatus RanksEdit
The exact hierarchy of ranks, the nuances between them, and the trajectory of advancement, has not been spelled out, but can generally be understood as categorized below.
Commander Maro, leader of the Penitus Oculatus in Skyrim circa 4E 201
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l The Infernal City — Greg Keyes
- ^ a b c Legends Card Lore - Penitus Oculatus Agent
- ^ a b The Rise and Fall of the Blades — Anonymous
- ^ Events of The Forgotten Hero
- ^ Lord of Souls — Greg Keyes
- ^ a b c d Events of Skyrim
- ^ The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Prima Official Game Guide — David Hodgson