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Lore:Philea Nielus

< Lore: People: P
Philea Nielus
Race Imperial Gender Female
Resided in Caldera, Vvardenfell

Philea Nielus was the Imperial Ambassador serving within Vvardenfell District circa 3E 433.[1]


Rise of the Drothmeri ArmyEdit

Ambassador Nielus was concerned with the emergence of Frathen Drothan, a Telvanni Arch-Mage out of Sadrith Mora, who was building an army in search of the Daedric artifact Mehrunes' Razor, which she believed would give him the confidence to attempt toppling the Imperial regime in Cyrodiil. King Hlaalu Helseth initially chose not to intervene with Drothan, believing that Drothan would get no support in his cause from any of the Great Houses, which proved to be true. But after Nielus received new intelligence from her sources on Drothan's receiving funding for his mercenary army, she wrote a letter to Helseth's advisor, Firthan Andoren, urging him to convince the King to reconsider his stance.[1]


  • Imperial Ambassadors at this time are depicted as bearing the title of Lord/Lady and are also as Imperial Commanding Officers of their local district, such as in the case of Ambassador Naigon Strale.[2]
  • Hierem also served as an ambassador to Morrowind prior to the Red Year.[3]:96, 257
