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< Lore: People: R
Race Dragon Gender Male
Born Dawn Era
Died 4E 201
Resided in Apocrypha
Appears in Skyrim
Miraak absorbing a dragon soul

Relonikiv was a dragon whose name meant "Dominate-Enlightenment" in the Dragon Language.[1][2]

Little is known about Relonikiv's past. At a certain point in history, he swore allegiance to Miraak, though whether he did so willingly or was compelled through Miraak's mastery of Thu'um is unknown.[3]

In 4E 201, the Last Dragonborn traveled to Apocrypha to challenge Miraak. Through the use of the Thu'um, they swayed a dragon Sahrotaar to betray Miraak. He helped them to reach the First Dragonborn on the summit of Apocrypha where the Last Dragonborn confronted Miraak. It was there where he called the mighty dragons Relonikiv and Kruziikrel to aid him in the battle. During the fight Miraak absorbed Relonikiv's soul to regain vitality, killing him in the process.[3][4][5]:604-605 Having had his soul devoured by another dovah, Relonikiv was killed permanently and cannot be raised again.[6][7]

See AlsoEdit

  • For game-specific information, see the SkyrimDB article.
