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Lore:Royal Guard

< Lore: Factions: R(Redirected from Lore:Tienius Delitian)
A Royal Guard patrolling the Royal Palace Courtyard (Tribunal)

The Royal Guard was a private and elite group of guards dedicated to protecting Hlaalu Helseth, from when he was the Prince of Wayrest to when he became the King of Morrowind. They are made up of strong and capable warriors picked directly by Helseth for their loyalty and bravery.[1][2] Their original leader was Tienius Delitian, who had known Helseth since he was a child in Emperor Uriel VII's court. Not only was he an accomplished soldier, but he was politically savvy and an excellent judge of character.[2]

Their armored uniform is a medium set of red plates/purple chainmail with galea-style visors, while their non-armor house uniform is a simple black cloak, dark red sun tunic, and breeches.[3][UOL 1] They also wield a blade called the King's Oath, daedric claymore given only to those that swear an oath to the King after undergoing great trials. It also bears a curse that kills thieves and traitors.[1]

While its leader, Tienius Delitian had known Helseth as a child, other members of the Royal Guard had been following him since his time in Wayrest.[2] When he lost his power struggle for the kingdom to his step-sister, Elysana, he and his mother, Barenziah were banished from the kingdom. So his Royal Guard followed suit to Morrowind, where Helseth became its new King and stayed in Mournhold.[4] The Royal Guard was based in the city's Royal Palace and had their own quarters.[5] Their presence in the city brought them contempt from the Tribunal Temple and the city's patron Tribunal, Almalexia, who believed that the High Ordinators were better peacekeepers then King Helseth's "handpicked thugs".[6][7]

In 3E 427, the Nerevarine appeared in Mournhold after King Helseth failed to assassinate them.[8] They decided to work with Tienius Delitian on matters related to the King, such as rumors about his several assassinations and finding what the Temple really thinks about him.[9][10] They also looked into conspiracies against Helseth, like a traitor in the Royal Guards' ranks, and discovered the journalist who spread rumors about the King.[11][12]

What became of the Royal Guard after that is unknown. Helseth's nephew, Goranthir served in the Royal Guard for a time in the late Third Era.[UOL 2] Mournhold was sacked in 4E 6 during the Accession War and the capital was moved to Blacklight.[13] By the start of the third century, the Royal Palace was empty.[14]


See AlsoEdit


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

  1. ^ Ted Peterson's posts in Campaign 12/Playing Houses – Loranna's RP
  2. ^ Ted Peterson's Posts in Campaign 10/Morrowind Moonlight – Loranna's RP