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Morrowind:Amulet of Heartheal

< Morrowind: Items: Artifacts
Amulet of Heartheal
Artifact: Amulet of Heartheal (artifact_amulet of heartheal)
Type Amulet
Weight Weight 5 Value Value 20,000
Cast When Used
Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 10-20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Hand-to-hand Fortify Hand-to-hand 10-20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Shield Shield 10-20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Levitate Levitate 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 900/180 = 5
Amulet of Heartheal

The Amulet of Heartheal is a powerful Sixth House artifact held by Dagoth Vemyn in Citadel Vemynal, whom you'll have to kill during the assault on the Citadels of the Sixth House.