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< Morrowind: Places: Strongholds
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Walkthrough: written by Autlandre, checked by MolagBallet

Interior Images: added by MolagBallet, not checked

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Chezburgar
(view on map)
# of Zones 4
Almsivi Intervention Gnisis
Divine Intervention Gnisis
Daedra, Ama Nin
Console Location Code(s)
Berandas, Keep, Bottom Level
Berandas, Keep, Top Level
Berandas, Propylon Chamber
Berandas, Underground
West Gash, [-9,9]

Berandas is a Dunmer stronghold with an extensive cave system. It is one of the ancient strongholds of a brighter time for the Dunmer. The stronghold is in the West Gash, south of Gnisis and east of Koal Cave.

The strongholds seem interesting to the traveler but should be approached very carefully. They have largely been abandoned, but have since proved attractive to whatever group feels strong enough to hold them. At last report, Berandas has been taken over by mostly lesser Daedra who have tunneled into the land deep below the stronghold. Two rats can be encountered on the top level, and a few lesser Daedra are located in the bottom level. Five lesser Daedra can be encountered in the underground tunnels, and two winged twilights guard the last room where the Boots of the Apostle can be found on a dead hero. Ama Nin is also in the last room, on a very high ledge that likely requires levitation to reach. Use the Boots to bring her a scroll of Divine Intervention, to receive a couple of nice garments in return.

Berandas has a functioning Propylon Chamber linking to Falasmaryon and Andasreth.

Related QuestsEdit

Imperial CultEdit


  • Archers or collectors may be interested to know that two Daedric arrows are available, lodged in a skeletal corpse in the corner of a room, on the top level of the keep.
  • On the Underground level, a skeleton is transfixed to a stalactite by a Daedric spear, with a Daedric dagger placed next to it.
  • There is a dead body with a stolen key on top of some rocks in the northwest path in the Underground section; you'll need levitation (conveniently available with the artifact found further in the stronghold) to reach it. This key opens a chest in the final room behind the dead hero's body as well as a hidden chest high up, which is at lock level 20. However, it does not unlock the high-up lock level 60 chest.
  • This ruin is an excellent place for low-level characters to obtain high-quality loot early in the game. Most of its Daedra are leveled, and will therefore be either Scamps or weaker Dremora. As long as you do not venture too far into the underground cave systems, a reasonably green character can make a huge profit here.
  • The Berandas Propylon Index is found in Arvs-Drelen in Gnisis.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Ama Nin   Breton Healer 1 30 100 0 30


Map of Berandas
