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Morrowind:Cure Poison

< Morrowind: Spell Effects
MW-icon-effect-Cure Poison.jpg Cure Poison
School Restoration
Type Restorative
Base Cost 100
(Click on any item for details)
Built-in Potions
Generic Magic Apparel
Amulet of Flesh Made Whole
Lord's Mail

Cure Poison

Dispels any long-duration Poison effects currently affecting the target. Instant-damage poison effects cannot be stopped, and health lost due to poison damage is not restored.


  • This effect has relatively limited use, since most Poison effects are instant or have a very short duration. An example of a rare situation where a Cure Poison spell can be effective is in Bamz-Amschend, beneath Mournhold. There are several poison traps and spells there which have a long duration, they can potentially become fatal for characters exploring the ruin.
  • Another potential use for potions is when fighting Daedroth, which use the powerful Poisonbloom spell to great effect.
  • If you are using a Ring of Toxic Cloud and its effect gets reflected on you, the only way to remove the effect is to Cure Poison since Dispel does not work on effects from items.

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