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Morrowind:Dragonbone cuirass

< Morrowind: Items: Artifacts
Dragonbone cuirass
Artifact: Dragonbone cuirass (dragonbone_cuirass_unique)
(lore page)
Type Cuirass
Armor Rating Rating 100 (333 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 100 (333 Max) Health Health 3,000
Weight Weight 50 (Heavy) Value Value 180,000
Constant Effect
Resist Fire Resist Fire 100 pts on Self
Dragonbone cuirass
This cuirass is one of the greatest artifacts any collector or hero could own. It is constructed of real dragon bone and was enchanted by the first Imperial Battlemage, Zurin Arctus, in the early years of the Third Era. It is a truly exquisite piece of work and many have sought to possess it. The properties of the Cuirass allow the wearer to be [sic] resist fire, and to damage an enemy with a blast of fire. Little is known about the involvement of Zurin Arctus with the enchantment of the Cuirass, but an old tale speaks of a debt that he owed to a traveling warrior. Like the warrior, the Dragonbone Mail never stays put for long.
Tamrielic Lore

The Dragonbone cuirass is found in a locked Dwemer closet within the Central Vault of the Mudan Grotto, southwest of Ebonheart. It is tied with the Lord's Mail for the highest armor rating in the game.
