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< Morrowind: Places: Caves(Redirected from Morrowind:Hathei)
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Walkthrough: not written

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(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
Grazelands, [10,8]

Pulk is a small bandit hideout in the Grazelands southeast of the Zainab Ashlander camp. The cave is the refuge of a gang of outlander bandits. What is unusual is that there are no Elves of any description among them; instead there is a Khajiit, two Argonians, an Orc and one Nord. The pool in the cave contains two chests. One has a leveled amulet, random piece of expensive clothing and up to 50 gold, and the other also contains some gold. The second chest is significantly harder to find and might require a light source, as it tends to blend into the rock.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Gam-Kur   Argonian Barbarian 13 127 100 0 90
Hathei   Argonian Warrior 10 122 94 0 90
Maering   Nord Barbarian 11 128 76 0 90
Moghakh gro-Bagdub   Orc Barbarian 11 125 76 0 90
S'Radirr   Khajiit Assassin 15 109 140 0 90 Carries a guaranteed silver weapon, plus probe and lockpick


