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Morrowind:Hlaalo Manor

< Morrowind: Places: Homes
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Hlaalo Manor
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Balmora, Hlaalo Manor
Balmora, [-3,-2]
Hlaalo Manor

Hlaalo Manor is the residence of Ralen Hlaalo and his loyal live-in servant, Uryne Nirith. The three-story manor is adorned in wealthy fashion. The corpse of Ralen Hlaalo is found on the first floor. His servant, Uryne Nirith, is in her bedroom on the second floor, while his bedroom is on the third.

Located in the northwest corner of Balmora, it is arguably one of the most popular home bases in which to store your excess inventory gear. Aside from the many shelves, tables, and generous floor space, it also provides the unique convenience of Ralen Hlaalo's corpse, which will never vanish and can be used as a container with unlimited storage space.

Hlaalo Manor is also situated very near the Balmora Morag Tong Guild building, which contains yet another permanent corpse of Methas Hlaalu. The relatively easy access to two permanent corpses is ideal for any player that likes to organize or segregate their loot.

Related QuestsEdit


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Uryne Nirith   Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 Hlaalo Manor
Ralen Hlaalo   Dark Elf Merchant House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 19 0 158 Hlaalo Manor



  • Up the first set of stairs before the landing is a decorative tapestry to the left, behind which is a hidden small chest with some gold.
  • There is an owned copy of a 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 22 skill book on the second floor.