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< Morrowind: People / Merchants / Blacksmiths
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
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Quests: written by Jeancey (none)

Services: written by WoahBro

Personal Inventory: written by WoahBro

House Contents: written by WoahBro

Unique Dialogue: written by Jeancey (none)

Spells: written by WoahBro
Hodlismod (hodlismod)
Home Town Caldera
Store Hodlismod: Armorer
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 13 Class Smith
Other Repairs Repairs
Gold 1300 Mercantile Apprentice (20)
Other Information
Health 158 Magicka 80
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Hodlismod is a Nord smith who has a shop in Caldera. If you have the Adamantium Armor plugin installed, he is one of the merchants who will have some for sale.

Hodlismod wears an expensive shirt with matching pants and shoes. He also wears an iron cuirass, netch leather greaves, and wields a steel warhammer. Aside from his natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield himself, and a natural frost damage spell, he knows no spells.
