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Morrowind:Mallam Ryon

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Quests: not written

Services: written by Aegithalos (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Aegithalos

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos

Spells: written by Aegithalos
Mallam Ryon (mallam ryon)
Home City Sadrith Mora
Location Telvanni Council House
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 13 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 85 Magicka 140
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Telvanni Mouth(Mouth)
Mallam Ryon

Mallam Ryon is a Dark Elf mage in the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora. He is the Mouth for Archmagister Gothren of House Telvanni.

Mallam wears an extravagant robe and a matching pair of shoes. Furthermore, he carries a ring of toxic cloud, a steel viperblade and up to one hundred drakes. In addition to his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, Mallam knows the following impressive set of spells: Frost Shield, Lightning Shield, Slowfall, Rapid Regenerate, Poet's Whim, Iron Will, Powerwell, Blood Gift, Absorb Willpower, Absorb Intelligence, Weak Spelldrinker, Reflect, Dire Noise, Medusa's Gaze, Wizard Rend, Lightning Storm, Lightning Bolt, Viperbolt, Poisonbloom, Shockbloom, Distracting Touch, Wearying Touch, Sleep, Levitate, Great Levitate, Fire Shield, Cruel Weary, Weary, Crushing Burden. He offers no services.

Related QuestsEdit

House TelvanniEdit


  • "I am Mallam Ryon, the Mouth of Archmagister Gothren."
  • Archmagister Gothren
    • "Yes, Archmagister Gothren is my patron. If you have business with him, you may find him in Tel Aruhn."
  • patron
    • "Archmagister Gothren is not interested in taking on any more proteges."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Three Questions for Baladas DemnevanniEdit

For the first of the two chores that Mallam Ryon has available for you, you will need to travel to Gnisis and ask three questions to the ancient Telvanni wizard Baladas Demnevanni:

  • chores
    • "Archmagister Gothren has some questions for Baladas Demnevanni. Will you speak with Baladas and ask him three questions?"
    • three questions
      • "Baladas Demnevanni lives in Arvs-Drelen which is in Gnisis. You can use the Mages Guild teleport service to get to Ald'ruhn, and then take a Silt Strider there. Go there and ask him about the Disappearance of the Dwarves, Dwemer artifacts, and the Dwemer language. You do not have to get an answer from him, simply asking the three questions is enough."

Asking Mallam about the town Gnisis prompts him to react somewhat impatiently:

  • Gnisis
    • "It's a large enough town, %PCName. You ought to know where it is, even if you are an outlander. If you want, you can have the Mages Guild teleport you to Ald'ruhn and then you can take a silt strider."

You can also ask him about the three questions that he wants you to ask to Baladas, though he will give you the same answer regardless of the topic that you pick (which is why only one of these three topics is displayed below):

  • Disappearance of the Dwarves
    • "Yes, this is one of the three questions I want you to ask to Baladas Demnevanni."

Even though Mallam reassures you that simply asking the questions is enough to complete this chore, the reward that you get - or rather, whether or not you are rewarded at all - does depend on whether Baladas answered all three of the questions (see the quest page for more details), as becomes clear when you return to him after your visit to Gnisis:

  • "Did you ask Baladas Demnevanni the three questions?"
  • three questions
    • "You have spoken with Baladas? Yes, I see. Archmagister Gothren will be pleased with these answers and will be quite interested to know that Baladas is alive and well. I should give you something... Here, take these messenger scrolls. You may find them useful."
    • "So you have spoken with him? And what did he say? Well, no matter. I did not believe you could convince him to answer all the questions. But Archmagister Gothren will be quite interested to know that Baladas is alive and well."

If you ask him again about the three questions after the completion of the quest, his response is the same regardless of whether or not you managed to obtain an answer to each of the questions:

  • three questions
    • "You already asked Baladas Demnevanni the three questions."

Mission to NchuleftEdit

The second and last chore that you may receive from Mallam Ryon has you traveling to the Dwemer ruin Nchuleft, where you must locate some plans that have piqued Gothren's interest:

  • chores
    • "Archmagister Gothren has learned the location of the Dwemer ruin of Nchuleft."
    • Nchuleft
      • "This Dwemer ruin lies west of the town of Vos. Apparently these ruins are what Archmagister Gothren wanted Ainat Sanababi to look for. Archmagister Gothren wants some plans or blueprints from Nchuleft. Find these plans and return them to me."
      • Vos
        • "You can take a boat there. That's the easiest way."

Be wary of discussing the topic of Nchuleft with Mallam again before you actually retrieve the plans that his patron apparently desires, as you will be forced to pick one of two responses that will both cause Mallam's disposition towards you to decrease (though an honest response leads to a milder decrease than the alternative):

  • Nchuleft
    • "Have you found the plans Archmagister Gothren was looking for?"
    • Yes, here they are.
      • [Disposition -10] "I do not appreciate any %PCRank who tries to trick me. Bring me the plans or else."
        • Goodbye
    • No, not yet.
      • [Disposition -5] "Archmagister Gothren was right to question your loyalty and rapid advance in House Telvanni."
        • Goodbye

Once you have recovered the schematics, you can tell Mallam that you have done so (by once again picking "Yes, here they are." in the above-mentioned conversation), in order to finish the quest and receive a neat reward:

  • [Gothren's Cephalopod Helm has been added to your inventory; 1 Dwemer Scarab Schematics has been removed from your inventory] "Good. If you were successful, Archmagister Gothren wanted you to have this."

The topic Nchuleft remains open for discussion after the completion of this quest, though Mallam has hardly anything else to say about it:

  • Nchuleft
    • "You have already found the plans in Nchuleft."