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Reflect |
School | Mysticism |
Type | Defensive |
Base Cost | 10 |
Availability (Click on any item for details) |
Spells Built-In Potions Scrolls Magic Apparel |
Reflect M% for D seconds
Gives a M% chance that incoming hostile spells will be reflected back at their caster. Spells that are not reflected will behave normally, doing their full effect.
- Like Spell Absorption, separate instances of Reflect are multiplicative. As such, 100% Reflect cannot be achieved by combining multiple different effects. The only way (with the exception of the Soultrap glitch) to get permanent 100% Reflect is wearing the Royal Signet Ring. Very short duration effects (to reflect a single spell) can be achieved with spells or enchanted items, and longer ones by boosting Alchemy to high enough levels (requires around 1900 Alchemy skill).
- If a spell is reflected, the caster will be immediately subjected to its effects, regardless of the means the spell was cast. Reflected spells cannot be dodged or avoided, since they have no projectile or range. They will also bypass godmode and can still harm the player even if that setting is in effect.
- Spells can only be reflected once.
- 100% Reflect will make you basically immune to all magical damage, with the exception of damage reflected back to you by an enemy who is also using spell reflection, as well as traps, which cannot be reflected. If both the caster and the target have 100% Reflect spells in effect, the spell can only be reflected once, so the caster will end up being hit with the spell.
- Reflect will work in combination with Spell Absorption, whichever effect was applied first will take precedence. So if you have an absorption effect like Wombburn active, all Reflect applied afterwards can only work on spells not absorbed.
- Spells which are not first reflected or absorbed can still be Resisted by the appropriate Resist effect. This includes your own spells that were reflected back at you. The strength of the spells are not first reduced by the original (pre-reflection) target's resistances. They are affected by the resistances of the new (post-reflection) target.
- Many creatures possess an inherent Reflect ability, which may necessitate being immune or resistant to the effects on your weapons/spells. Effects such as Damage Attribute and Paralyze can be very powerful, but also very detrimental if they are reflected back at you without proper resistances. The following enemies always have some level of Reflect active: Ash Ghouls, Ash Slaves, Atronachs, Dremora, Dwarven Spectres, Golden Saints, Winged Twilights, Advanced Steam Centurions, Gaenor, Riekling Raiders, Karstaag and all Aspects of Hircine.
- Several artifacts and unique items make Reflect available as a constant effect:
- Royal Signet Ring TR provides 100%.
- Robe of the Drake's Pride provides 25%.
- Wraithguard (right gauntlet) provides 20%.
- Marara's Ring provides 20%.
- Darksun Shield provides 20%.
- Helm of Graff the White provides 10%.
- Dagger of Symmachus TR provides 10%.
- Her Hand's Helmet TR provides 5%.
- Other artifacts and unique items that provide this effect include:
- Spell Breaker provides 10-20% for 30 seconds.
- Warlock's Ring provides 10-20% for 30 seconds.
- Chrysamere provides 5-20% for 30 seconds.
- Spear of Bitter Mercy provides 20-30% for 30 seconds.
- The melee damage from weapons that have an 'on Target' enchantment (for example Shadowsting BM, Berserker Silver Battleaxe BM, Last Rites, Stormfang BM, Light of Day) can be reflected, as long as the weapon has enough charges to trigger the spell. ?
Related EffectsEdit
Alchemy IngredientsEdit
The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Reflect: