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Neminda (neminda) | |||
Home City | Ald'ruhn | ||
Location | Redoran Council Hall Entrance | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Female |
Level | 14 | Class | Drillmaster |
Other Information | |||
Health | 133 | Magicka | 100 |
Alarm | 90 | Fight | 30 |
Faction(s) | House Redoran (Kinsman) |
Neminda is a Redguard drillmaster and Kinsman in House Redoran. She can be found in the Ald'ruhn Redoran Council Hall entrance room. Neminda is one of the major quest givers for House Redoran and tied with Malpenix Blonia for highest ranking non-Dunmer in the faction.
She wears an extravagant shirt, pants, skirt, belt, shoes, and sapphire amulet. She carries an iron longsword. Like all Redguards, she has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost her health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time; otherwise she knows no spells.
Related QuestsEdit
House HlaaluEdit
- Disguise: Steal orders from Neminda in the disguise of a dead Redoran.
House RedoranEdit
- Mudcrab Pests: Take care of some mudcrabs that have been bothering Falen's guar herd.
- Deliver Cure Disease Potion: Deliver a potion to Theldyn Virith in Ald Velothi.
- Find Mathis Dalobar: Find this missing trader around Ald'ruhn.
- Founder's Helm: Retrieve a helm stolen by Alvis in Balmora.
- Trouble with Bandits: Help Falen again by protecting her and her herd from bandits.
- Guard Sarethi Manor: Guard Athyn Sarethi from assassins in his Ald'ruhn manor.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
You can find Neminda standing by the table in the Redoran Council Entrance. If you have not joined House Redoran, and you have not started Redoran Hortator, she will introduce herself when you speak to her:
- "I am Neminda, Drillmaster and Recruiter. If you wish to join House Redoran, you have come to the right place."
- House Redoran: [Disposition ≥ 50.] "The Redoran councilors have entrusted me with the responsibility of examining those who wish to serve our House. Do you wish to join House Redoran?"
- join House Redoran: "Are you sure you want to join House Redoran? Remember that you cannot join any other Great House once you have made an oath to us."
- Yes, I want to join.: [Disposition +10.] "So be it. You are now Hireling %PCName in House Redoran. I will inform our trainers. Make use of them. If you truly wish to serve House Redoran, I can give you duties to perform. You may also check with me for advancement."
- Hear the rules of House Redoran: "Do not steal from your kin, strike your kin unprovoked, or murder your kin. Do not break your word. Honor your superiors, and do your duty to your House. Respect the teachings of the Tribunal. Defend your House, your People, and your Honor. If you fail in these things, you will be cast out. If you fail twice, you will be cast out with no chance of regaining your honor."
- Nevermind.: "Then what can I do for you?"
- duties: "I cannot give you duties unless you join House Redoran."
However, she will greet you differently if you choose to speak to her during Redoran Horator:
- Nerevarine. False Incarnate. Agent of the Emperor. Outlaw. Unbeliever. House Redoran knows how to deal with outlanders like you."
If you try to join House Redoran during Redoran Hortator, she will refuse you:
- join House Redoran: [Disposition -20.] "You are a fraud. You hide behind the false prophecies of the 'Incarnate' and the 'Nerevarine,' but Berel Sala, Captain of the watch, says you are an agent in the pay of the Imperial Intelligence Service. You are an outlaw without honor, and cannot hope to be admitted to House Redoran. Go away." Goodbye
If you have already joined House Redoran:
- join House Redoran: "You have already been adopted by House Redoran, %PCName."
House HlaaluEdit
When you talk to Neminda while having Felsen's (if your character is male) or Relmerea's (if your character is female) helm equipped, she will say:
- If you have the helm in your inventory, but are not wearing it, regardless of what stage of the quest you are in:
- "Who are you? Wait! That's Felsen/Relmerea's helm!"
- She will then attack you.
If you are wearing the helm:
- Orphan of Arnesia: [Neminda's Orders has been added to your inventory.] "Oh, certainly Felsen/Relmerea, here are your orders. They are in code, of course. Deliver them to Maar Gan as usual."
- If you talk to her again before leaving:
- Orphan of Arnesia: "I've already given you the scroll. Deliver it to Maar Gan as usual."
- If you then drop the helm and speak to her again, she will say:
- Orphan of Arnesia: "You... you're not Felsen/Relmerea!"
- She will then attack you.
If you do not have the helm in your inventory and are not wearing it:
- Orphan of Arnesia: "Thank you, Hlaalu. I will be sure our codes are changed. And we will avenge the deaths of all honorable Redorans."
- Speaking to her again:
- Orphan of Arnesia: "Leave now and do not return."
House RedoranEdit
Mudcrab PestsEdit
When asked about duties, Neminda will say:
- "Yes, %PCName? What can I do for you?"
- duties: "Drulene Falen has asked for our help. She says her guar herds have been having trouble with hostile mudcrabs."
- hostile mudcrabs: "Go talk to Drulene Falen. Her guar herd is due west of here, just over the hills. She can tell you more about her mudcrab problem."
- Drulene Falen: "To get to Drulene's herd, leave west out of Ald'ruhn and take the road towards Gnisis. When you go into the hills, take the left fork to the southwest. Take the right path at the next fork and you should see her guar straight ahead."
Neminda will congratulate you when you return after helping Drulene:
- "Have you taken care of those hostile mudcrabs?"
- hostile mudcrabs: [Disposition +5.] "You've killed the mudcrabs for Drulene Falen? Good work, %PCName. Speak with me again when you are ready for more duties."
Asking her about the mudcrabs afterwards, she will say:
- hostile mudcrabs: "You took care of the hostile mudcrabs, %PCName."
Deliver Cure Disease PotionEdit
The next task that Neminda will have for you is to deliver a potion to Ald Velothi.
- duties: "I need someone to deliver a Cure Disease potion."
- Cure Disease potion: [Potion of Cure Common Disease has been added to your inventory.] "Here. Take this Cure Disease potion to Theldyn Virith in Ald Velothi. While you're there, ask if there is anything he needs done."
- Theldyn Virith: "He has no official title. He represents House Redoran interests in Ald Velothi and keeps the peace."
- Ald Velothi: "It's a long walk. I'd suggest taking the Silt Strider to Gnisis and making the journey from there. Ald Velothi is directly north of Gnisis."
If you talk to Neminda again before leaving, she says:
- Cure Disease Potion: "I've already given you the potion. Just deliver it to Theldyn Virith in Ald Velothi."
Upon returning after delivering the potion, she will congratulate you:
- "Did you deliver the Cure Disease potion to Theldyn Virith?"
- Cure Disease potion: [Disposition +5] "Good work, %PCName. I heard you delivered the potion. Just tell me when you're ready for more duties."
If you ask Neminda about the potion again, she says:
- Cure Disease potion: "You already delivered the Cure Disease potion."
Find Mathis DalobarEdit
Once you have completed the quest Deliver Cure Disease Potion, Neminda will ask you to find a missing trader.
- duties: "A Redoran trader has gone missing. I need someone to help find Mathis Dalobar."
- Mathis Dalobar: "Mathis Dalobar is a trader who just comes through Ald'ruhn just about every month. He was probably headed towards Maar Gan or Gnisis. Talk to the people in Maar Gan and find out if anyone there knows what happened to him. I'll mark these towns on your map."
When you return after helping Mathis to Maar Gan, she will say:
- "Have you found out what happened to Mathis Dalobar?"
- Mathis Dalobar: [Disposition +5.] "I heard that Mathis Dalobar made it to Maar Gan with your help. Good work, %PCName. I have more duties for you."
If you ask about Mathis again, she will give you an update:
- Mathis Dalobar: "Mathis Dalobar is doing well last I heard."
Founder's HelmEdit
The next task that Neminda will give you after Find Mathis Dalobar is to recover a Founder's Helm.
- duties: "A Hlaalu guard stole a Founder's Helm from one of our tombs. Would you be willing to recover this Founder's Helm from the godless Hlaalu?"
- Founder's Helm: "Alvis Teri stole a Founder's Helm from the Uveran Ancestral tomb. He boasts of this feat at the Eight Plates Inn in Balmora and wears the Helm openly. Confront him and demand the Helm. Slay him if necessary but do not shame House Redoran by murdering him."
- shame House Redoran: "You must not murder Alvis Teri. Threaten him, taunt him, these are allowed. You may even slay him as long as he strikes the first blow. But if you resort to murder, the Hlaalu will brag for years that all Redorans are thugs and murderers."
When talking to Neminda again before leaving, she will say:
- Founder's Helm: "Like I said, get the Founder's Helm from Alvis Teri. Do whatever it takes to get the helm back, but do not murder Alvis Teri, for that would shame House Redoran."
When you return with the Founder's Helm, she says:
- "Did you get the Founder's Helm?"
- Founder's Helm: "Good work, %PCName. You have recovered the Founder's Helm and have not brought shame upon House Redoran. Will you give me the Helm now?"
- Yes: [Disposition +5.] "Thank you, %PCName. You handled Alvis Teri well and did not shame House Redoran."
- No: [Disposition -5.] "I had higher expectations of you, %PCName. The Founder's Helm does not belong to you."
If you speak to Neminda after completing the quest, she says:
- Founder's Helm: "You have recovered the Founder's Helm."
- shame House Redoran: "Do not fear. You did not bring shame upon House Redoran."
Trouble with BanditsEdit
Neminda will send you to help Drulene again after you've completed Founder's Helm.
- duties: "Drulene Falen needs help with her guar herds again. Sounds like trouble with bandits."
- trouble with bandits: "It happens, especially further from the law. Usually the bandits are outcast Ashlanders. Go talk to Drulene Falen again. She might be able to tell you where the bandits are."
When you return after helping Drulene, she says:
- "Is Drulene Falen still having trouble with bandits?"
- trouble with bandits: "Good work, %PCName. I have more duties for you. One of the councilors has been threatened."
After you have completed the quest, she says:
- trouble with bandits: "You handled the bandits well, %PCName."
Guard Sarethi ManorEdit
Neminda ended Trouble with Bandits with the concerning notion of a threat against a Redoran councilor. Ask her for more duties, and she will say:
- duties: "Serjo Athyn Sarethi, a councilor of House Redoran, believes his life is in danger. He is in Sarethi Manor under Skar. I need someone to guard Athyn Sarethi."
- Athyn Sarethi: "Quickly, go to Sarethi Manor. From here it is the second door to your right after you get back to Skar. Stay there until Athyn Sarethi gives you other orders or until more guards arrive."
When you return and speak to Neminda after saving Athyn from another attack, she says:
- "I heard there was an attack... Is Athyn Sarethi safe?"
- Athyn Sarethi: [Disposition +5; 200 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "I hope Athyn Sarethi is okay. He and my father were close friends, and the Sarethi family has had enough trouble recently. Guard duties pays in drakes, %PCName. It's not much, but perhaps you can put it to good use."
Afterwards, Neminda will tell you to go get yourself sponsored by one of the Redoran Councilors, and will recommend Athyn if prompted:
- "I don't have any more duties for you, %PCName. What brings you here?"
- duties: "I don't have any more duties for you. If you want to advance in House Redoran, you will need one of the Councilors to sponsor you. Talk to each of them, and see if any are willing to sponsor an outlander. You might also want to speak with Faral Retheran in Vivec. She may have more duties for you as well."
- Athyn Sarethi: "He is a good man and was a close friend of my father. You will find no better sponsor in all of House Redoran."
- Background: "My father was a Legionnaire stationed in Ebonheart. When my mother died, I was sent to live with my Uncle, but we didn't get along. I made my way here, and lived with my father for three years until he was killed by the Telvanni. He and Athyn Sarethi were friends, so I was adopted in a sense. I don't miss Hammerfell. I'm working for a just cause. I serve with some of the best warriors in Tamriel. And the Ashlands can have a peculiar beauty..."
- Emperor Crab: "This whole area was carved out of the shell of an Emperor Crab. They've all been dead since long before you and I were born."
- Mudcrab: "Of course as an outlander like myself you must know very little about mudcrabs. They are small creatures with a hard shell. They live mostly along the coast and they're usually not aggressive... but if they ever get the taste of meat, they become hunters. Some naturalists believe they are related to the Emperor Crab."
- Neminda also appears in the Houses of Morrowind card expansion for Legends as the card Skar Drillmaster.