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UESPWiki β

BetaComment (BC)

                BetaComment, Comment
                BC, Comment

       Where:   Comment = Beta comment string to save

        Type:   Console

     Returns:   none

     Example:   BC, "test comment"



Console function that writes to a text file if designated in the game installation file Morrowind.ini. The [General] setting for Beta Comment File is null by default, but selecting a file name will designate an existing text file to accept new comments if available, otherwise a fresh .txt file is created when the corresponding function is called. A selected reference object is required for a comment to be generated, otherwise attempting to add a comment with nothing selected fails. Using betaComment or bc requires a minimul input of at least one letter, number, or qualifying special character for its input—blank comments are not accepted, and specific symbols like double quotes are expected to have at least some text following with an enclosing end quote.


  • Existing text is not overwritten in the designated comment file when bc is called, instead it is appended with the new comment line immediately after.
  • Each distinct comment line follows this format
     M/D/YYYY  (hh:mm)  ''device name'' ''objectID00000000'' ''cellID'' (X,Y) int  int  int  "your comment here"

where the date and timestamp marks when the comment was submitted and by whom, as well as the precise coordinates at which the selected object reference was located.

  • Only one argument is accepted at time. Multiple strings must either be made contiguous or enclosed in double quotations if including spaces to allow it to be used as one argument. Anything beyond the first string that is followed by a space and not in enclosed in the first pair of quotes will not be saved to the comment file.
  • The comment is interpreted literally, so attempting to nest another function like ORI inside to have it feed into the comment file simply yields "ORI", not the attempted function's typical output. The comment itself is always presented in double quotes, regardless of if you included them or not.