Morrowind Mod:LoopGroup
< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: Alphabetical Functions / Categorical FunctionsLoopGroup
Loopgroup, GroupName, Number, [Flags] Where: GroupName = Animation group to play. Number = The number of times to play the animation. Flags = Optional parameter indicating when the animation should start. 0 = Normal, the current animation will finish it's full cycle, and the new animation will start from its beginning. 1 = Immediate Start, the current animation will stop regardless of the frame it is on, and the new animation will start from its beginning. 2 = Immediate Loop, the current animation will stop regardless of the frame it is on, and the new animation will start at the beginning of its loop cycle. Type: Animation Returns: none Example: LoopGroup, Idle3, 5 Scripts: OutsideBanner sotha_machine1
Plays the animation group defined by GroupName the number of times specified. Optional flags can be used to start the group in different ways. The various group names for NPCs can be found by viewing the animation menu options in the Character menu in the Construction Set or Animation Groups on this site.
See Also: PlayGroup, Animation Groups