Morrowind Mod:MessageBox
< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: Alphabetical Functions / Categorical FunctionsMessageBox
MessageBox, "Message", [Var1], [Var2, ...], ["button1"], ["button2"], ... Where: Message = String message to display Var1, 2, ... = Optional variables to insert into message Button1, ... = Optional button texts for displaying choices Type: Misc Returns: none Example: Scripts:
The MessageBox function has two main abilities, to display simple text messages to the player at the bottom of the screen and to display a list of choices to the player. To display a message use the function like the following:
MessageBox, "This is a simple message" ; Simple text message MessageBox, "GameHour = %.2f", GameHour ; Display a float value with 2 decimal points MessageBox, "Long/Short = %G", 101 ; Display a short/long value, not %D as in the help file! MessageBox, "String = %S", "SomeString" ; Display a string value, kinda useless, might not work
Use the optional variables to display numbers/strings in the message text. When displaying float values you must specify the number of decimals places to use. You can also use theĀ %.0f format to display short/long variables. Although the help file only shows 1 or 2 optional variables, there can be more than 2.
To display a list of choices to the user, use the format:
MessageBox, "Press ok to continue...", "Ok" ; One choice MessageBox, "What is your answer?", "Yes", "No" ; Two choices MessageBox, "Choose a number", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ; Five choices
There are also a number of special strings which can be used within the MessageBox string. They all begin with the ^ and not theĀ % character as written in the help file:
^PCName The player's name. ^PCClass The player's class. ^PCRace The player's race. ^PCRank The player's rank in the speaker's faction. ^NextPCRank The player's next rank in the speaker's faction. ^Cell The cell the player is currently in. ^Global Any global variable value (ex: ^Day). Floats display with 1 decimal.
To return the user's choice, use the GetButtonPressed function, for example:
begin TestMessageScript short MessageOn short Button ; Display message when the player activates the object if ( OnActivate == 1 ) set MessageOn to 1 endif ; Display the choices to the user if ( messageOn == 1 ) MessageBox, "Do you wish to drink from the Bitter Cup or to pick it up?", "Drink", "Pick it up" Set messageOn to 2 endif if ( messageOn == 2 ) set Button to GetButtonPressed if ( Button == -1 ) ; Nothing return; endif if ( Button == 0 ) ; drink it Disable player->ModStrength, 20 Set MessageOn to 0 return endif if ( Button == 1 ) ; pick it up Activate Set MessageOn to 0 return endif endif end
Use a similar setup for asking the user other choices.
If you pop up a message box with an 'ok' button when a saved game is loaded immediately after running Morrowind, you won't have a mouse pointer to click on the 'ok' button to get rid of the message box. The game also keeps running while the message box is displayed; it doesn't pause as it normally does. You can right-click to get into Menu mode, and then you'll have a mouse pointer to clear the box with. This only happens the first time you load a save after running Morrowind; if you load a save from within the game, you do get a mouse pointer to click the 'ok' button with. So apparently it's some sort of initialization problem.
See Also: GetButtonPressed