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Morrowind talk:Creeper

Resetting InventoryEdit

I have seen his inventory reset, if I remember correctly it was about 300-400 days into the game, when I used to play it on my Xbox; don't know if that's a factor in it or not; I never played for that long on PC to find out, but it definitely reset on my Xbox, the vast majority of people will never see it however. 22:39, 2 July 2008 (UTC)

On Xbox GotY, there are two things that can reset the Creeper's inventory. One is time, as mentioned above, and it may be time between visits. Happens to me almost every game, when I get busy doing quests. The other is a peculiar bug, involving dropping all your gold from your inventory, for example when getting exactly 11171 gold to upgrade to Morrowind:Eltonbrand. --BenouldTC 15:50, 3 July 2008 (EDT)
His inventory will not reset. I've seen it at day 1 from day 345 or so. He still has the same inventory.
I don't know exactly how long I played the game, but I know it had to be at least several hundred game days, and I've never seen his inventory resets. Unless someone can come up with proof or a reason why it would, I'm changing the article to indicate it's a possible problem and not a certain one. --Mike | Contrib 17:26, 31 July 2008 (EDT)
I think it's less a time issue and more just how much stuff you give him. If you use him all the time and sell him thousands of items, at some point I think he loses track of it all, or at least appears to. (It may be that if you buy some of his stuff back, the items that disappeared will come back again. I think it was something like that.) --TheRealLurlock Talk 17:36, 31 July 2008 (EDT)
Could it be similar to the problem in Oblivion with containers being too full and no longer displaying all items there, even though they still are there? If so, is there someone who can test this?--Mike | Contrib 02:45, 3 August 2008 (EDT)
I've tested it by selling him every single one of my alchemical experiments and his inventory hasn't reset; neither have some things disappeared from it. –RpehTCE 02:59, 3 August 2008 (EDT)

I'm probably beating a dead horse here starting this back up, but I've gone through the XBox GOTY Edition three times, and I noticed a pattern to the disappearances. I'm a frequent user of Creeper as a weapons/armor depot, and there's never a long time in which I don't see him. (Someone earlier suggested time between visits might be the cause.) In all three games, Creeper's inventory reset when I got to a certain point in the Tribunal main quest. While I can't pinpoint precisely which quest it happens after, but to the best of my recollection, it happens when you start taking orders from Almalexia herself. I'm playing though (fourth time) right now, doing the goblin quests, and I'll check in with Creeper after each quest to see when it happens. Flag-Waving American Patriot 20:51, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

I am playing GOTY on Xbox for the first time. Both Creeper and Mudcrab have reset. My first guess is that it is related to killing unique monsters in Kogoruhn, why? becuase something else strange happened at the same time: my active spell deselected and became empty whenever killing those uniques. It was day 126 for me. Just giving my guess to you.Telperion 03:58, 9 May 2011 (UTC)
When you acquire an enchanted item that has a Cast when used or Cast once enchantment on it, the spell you had equipped (selected) will be unequipped. (Word for word from glitches page, trust me I had this happen to me SO many times :-D)--Catmaniac66 13:54, 9 May 2011 (UTC)
I'm on day 285 and Creeper hasn't reset once. rpeh •TCE 07:52, 9 May 2011 (UTC)
You're right Catmaniac, I just picked up a Cast when Used item and my spell unequipped. Go figure.Telperion 05:22, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
Also on Xbox GOTY, I just got to day 107 and Creeper has reset. I visited him right before meeting the Ashlander clans in the NE of Vvardenfell (near Tel Vos) and then I went to Ald'Ruhn to talk to the Ashlander informant for the main quest. I dropped back by Caldera and poof, total reset. FriendlyTamarin 22:10, 9 September 2020 (UTC)
Xbox GOTY (Digital), playing on the Xbox 360. I've sold him 11 items, 48 days in. I spoke to Apelles Matius in Ebonheart and his inventory didn't reset, as the article currently suggests may be the cause. Korra II A Royal (talk) 20:40, 22 February 2025 (UTC)

Wealthy Merchant?Edit

Shouldn't Creeper be classed as a "wealthy" merchant? He has well over 1000 gold, but he is missing the wealthy merchant classification. I would do this myself, but I have no idea how. And somehing else to note, the mudcrab merchant is missing it too. --Xyntfos 00:28, 8 July 2008 (EDT)

Good catch. The problem was that the Wealth template which adds those categories to NPC pages via the NPC Summary template was never implemented on the Creature Summary template used on these pages. I've fixed it, and updated the two pages to make them appear immediately. (The other creature merchants will appear after the job queue gets to them, but they'll all end up listed as "Broke" merchants, because none of them have any money, just as well, since they don't have anything to sell, and are all hostile anyhow.) --TheRealLurlock Talk 00:51, 8 July 2008 (EDT)

Duplicating Money GlitchEdit

There is a bug with this character that let's you multiply gold. If you sell Creeper all of your gold up to 5000 you will not lose your money but he will lose all of his. If you wait 24 hours and do it again you can further duplicate your money and then when you kill him he will have all the money you "sold" to him. --Notackan 7:24, 28 January 2009 (EDT)

In other words, do what's already described here - as linked to from the article. –RpehTCE 05:03, 31 January 2009 (EST)


Just curious..... how can something be a non-NPC without being a player. Doesnt that sorta defeat the point of classifying something as a non player character? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:16 on 31 January 2010 (UTC)

A NPC is classified as a non-player human in Morrowind, while Creeper is classified as a creature. --Mptrj - - 19:16, 31 January 2010 (UTC)
Mmmk. I figured it was a term specific to a game, it just is a silly term to use in my opinion as it is a double negative.— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 31 January 2010

Gain money by selling and buying backEdit

Hope I'm not mistaken but I haven't found this anywhere yet: When you want to sell something of, let's say, 2000S worth you can add 10% to it and he will buy it for 2200S. Similarly you can do the opposite when you buy something from him of 2000S worth and only pay 1800S. This way you can keep selling and buying back the same item to increase your cash. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:09 on 23 June 2012 (GMT)

"The" Creeper?Edit

Any reason why he's consistently referred to as "the" Creeper? Seems like a name to me. —Legoless (talk) 19:22, 31 July 2013 (GMT)

I've went ahead and changed it to just "Creeper" on the offending pages. —Legoless (talk) 23:19, 16 November 2013 (GMT)
It should be as it is in-game. If his name is just 'Creeper' as the page name, then you're right ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 02:45, 17 November 2013 (GMT)

Owning Ghorak Manor?Edit

Recently it has been added that "Creeper is […] living […] in Ghorak Manor in Caldera, which he claims is his and was recently invaded by Orc squatters." (My italics)

How do we know Creeper claims the manor, and what is the source of it being recently invaded by Orc squatters? —MortenOSlash (talk) 17:42, 21 April 2017 (UTC)

Reverted, as per discussion on the contributors talk page. —MortenOSlash (talk) 18:26, 22 May 2017 (UTC)

Moving CreeperEdit

Is it relevant to this page that Creeper can be moved? As far as I have gathered this type of behaviour is not specific to Creeper, but applies to most NPCs? —MortenOSlash (talk) 17:45, 21 April 2017 (UTC)

I tend to think this is relevant, just speaking from my own experience. While there could be worse places than Caldera for such a valuable merchant to live, it can be wortwhile to the player to command Creeper to stay elsewhere.
I have relocated Creeper a number of times, and so far my favorite place to keep him is in the Ald-ruhn Mages Guild. I make frequent pit stops here, and because Creeper has been stationed there I have raked in immense profits from being able to sell him my unwanted weapons and potions.
I was surprised to hear Creeper could be moved the first time I read about it, so I expect I/we are not alone in terms of finding this inclusion helpful. Chill fridge (talk) 05:36, 2 June 2023 (UTC)
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