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Morrowind talk:Xbox

Note on verificationEdit

hello homies, as an xbox player who plays morrowind on the xbox one, but owns the game for the xbox original and 360, i dont think it is possible to verify that old saves can be synced from the xbox original to future consoles because of the xbox live servers being offline for that console. however, i could try to see if it is possible to sync saves from 360 to xbox one.
Fisnly (talk) 15:42, 27 February 2023 (UTC)

I've updated the vn tag. —⁠Legoless (talk) 19:45, 27 February 2023 (UTC)
Fisnly (talk) 17:51, 1 March 2023 (UTC)

Morrowind backwards compatibility on Xbox 360...Edit

I have recently resolved an issue of considerable confusion and thought I could share somewhere for others to see, whether being of use, interest or entertainment...
Having recently decided to get a copy of Morrowind on Xbox to play on my Xbox 360, I also knew in advance that there was some confusion about this game's "backwards compatibility" on the Xbox 360 from various online forum info.
No surprise then, when I loaded the Morrowind Xbox disk, I got a prompt asking me to download an "update" and I searched up the given Xbox support website for info, which informed me that online backwards compatibility support for "Original Xbox" had been discontinued... Even so, my next plan was to try to download an update for the "Dashboard" (OS interface) and hope that this would make a difference to backwards compatibility support.
My Xbox 360 "Dashboard" (OS interface) was last updated in 2015, and I'm still mostly confused about the need to connect to Xbox Live or not for various update and backwards compatibility support etc, as I had not connected my Xbox 360 online for about 10 years, and I know that Xbox Live is being taken down for Xbox 360 by July 2024...
I tried using my Xbox 360 wireless "Network Adapter" (modem antenna), unused for about 10 years, which still appeared to work although possibly only when plugged into one of the front USB sockets (?). However, the results were inconclusive as the download progress bar was barely moving and seemed to abort even after apparently complete, or sometimes at random moments of progress. Ultimately, any attempt to troubleshoot my Xbox 360 internet connection gave me that "ICMP Error" message.
After some web research, I concluded that the Xbox 360 "Network Adapter" is not compatible with recent improvements in Wifi router bandwidth, possibly the change from 20 Mhz to 40 Mhz, although I still don't know whether there is any way of checking that.
Long story short, and perhaps most helpful for your information, I decided to take the trouble of moving my (smallish) old SONY LCD tv and Xbox 360 into my hallway so that I could plug it straight into my internet router using an ethernet cable, and this worked perfectly to download the latest Dashboard update! The latest update should be Dashboard: 2.0.17559.0 (from 2019). You can check for this under System/ Console Settings/ System Info.
Ultimately for me, this still did not solve my backwards compatibility issue to be able to play TES3 Morrowind on the Xbox 360, and I got the same prompt asking me to download an "update" as before, with the same problem of the backwards compatibility online support being discontinued...
But then another thought hit me: with my older (2015) Dashboard update, I was able to load and play Star Wars KOTOR from the Original Xbox disk. So I wondered what would happen if I tried to load that disk again, whilst connected online using an ethernet cable. I used the Force... and it worked! By some combination of this setup, I was given a prompt box to download some support update (I was too excited to read what it was called...) !
So I guess you could say: I used the "Force"d update method ???
(hope you found this helpful or at least amusing)

Elia Seal (talk) 17:50, 15 March 2024 (UTC)

honestly as a textbook zoomer i have no idea what any of that means but im sure someone else will probably figure that stuff out lmao
Fisnly (talk) 18:42, 2 April 2024 (UTC)

Telvanni RetextureEdit

Not sure if this is worth adding to the page:

The Telvanni Textures on the xbox version are quite different from vanilla PC, completely lacking the "gummybear-green" color on the "floor" parts of exterior sadriths (exterior walkways/housepod stairs). Now sporting a new bark-like light brown texture.

I haven't been able to find any information on why this is the case. --RememberHlaalu 18:01, 28 October 2024 (UTC) RememberHlaalu 18:01, 28 October 2024 (UTC)

Do you have a screenshot perhaps? Definitely worth noting, similar to the visual differences at Raven Rock. —⁠Legoless (talk) 09:26, 29 October 2024 (UTC)
Apparently i got told it's because bloodmoon includes a texture with the same name as a texture in morrowind ``. So that is what causes this problem to sometimes pop up on an unpatched game. And that's what threw me off while playing on the Xbox cause unlike on the PC where it happens randomly, on the xbox it's a constant. --RememberHlaalu 18:29, 26 March 2025 (UTC)
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