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Oblivion:Dovyn Aren's House

< Oblivion: Places: Homes
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion Houses Redesign Project.
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Summary: written by Beezer1029

House Inventory: not written

Description: written by Kiz

Residents: written by Beezer1029

Related Quests: not written
Dovyn Aren's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICElvenGardensDovynArensHouse, ICElvenGardensDovynArensHouseBasement, ICElvenGardensDovynArensHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Elven Gardens District
Dovyn Aren's House

Dovyn Aren's House is located in the northeastern section of the Elven Gardens District, right next door to Ida Vlinorman's and across the street from Roderic Pierrane's.


Dovyn Aren

Dovyn Aren's HouseEdit

The ground floor contains little of interest except nine bottles of cheap wine, a cupboard and a dinner table with plenty of food.

Dovyn Aren's Private QuartersEdit

The private quarters contain a few interesting items; the cupboard opposite the bed holds various items of upper-class clothing, and a locked jewelry box sits on top of it. On either side of the cupboard are two locked chests; one with random loot and one with leveled equipment. On a nearby table find a copy of Followers of the Gray Fox and the Alteration skill book The Dragon Break.

Dovyn Aren's BasementEdit

The basement has containers filled with clutter. On a small table near the pillar sits more Thieves Guild-related literature and two lockpicks, and a sample of bonemeal can be found on the floor opposite the table.