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Oblivion:Drarana Thelis' House

< Oblivion: Places: Homes
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Summary: not written

House Inventory: not written

Description: written by Kiz

Residents: not written

Related Quests: not written
Drarana Thelis' House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Harlun's Watch
Drarana Thelis' House

Drarana Thelis' House is located in Harlun's Watch, and is occupied by Drarana Thelis.

Downstairs of the house
Upstairs of the house

There is virtually nothing to be found inside. Even though the house is three stories high, there is not a single item to be found and hardly any furniture. A couple of chairs and a table on the lower floor and, upstairs, a couple of beds and nothing else. The spare bed suggests that Drarana might have lived with somebody, and might explain why she's so eager to find out what happened up in Swampy Cave.


  • The interior layout of the house does not match the exterior architecture.
    •   The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.0.0, addresses this issue. The exterior model has been changed to match the interior layout.