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Online:A Salskap to Remember

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: Western Skyrim / Side Quests
Help promote a bardic salskap to celebrate a momentous occasion.
Zone: Western Skyrim
Quest Giver: Leiborn
Location(s): Solitude, Bards College
Reward: Dancer's Treble Shoes
Music Box, The Merry Meadmaker (page)
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 6482
"BARDS of Tamriel! PEOPLE of Solitude!" — Inform people of the salskap at the Bards College
Leiborn intends to host a salskap—a bard's gathering to celebrate the recovery of the Bards College instruments. It's sure to be quite a show.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Post up the Handbills around Solitude.
  2. Return to Leiborn outside the Bards College.
  3. (Optional) Watch the live performance of "The Merry Meadmaker".

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Post "Bards College Salskap Tonight!" handbills around Solitude

Once you have found all nineteen of the missing musical instruments (as detailed here), you can return to Leiborn to inform him. The bard will be thrilled and decide that this is an occasion to celebrate—namely with a salskap—an old tradition where bards from everywhere would gather to celebrate and perform with each other.

He will ask you to help by handing you a stack of handbills and telling you to post them up around Solitude. There are multiple places where a Bards College Salskap Tonight! flier can be posted. There's a spot down the road from the Bards College, on the side of the stairs leading up to the Mages Guild. Another flier can be posted on the northeastern wall of the Hall of the Dead, and yet another can be posted to the right of the entrance to the local Outlaws Refuge. A handbill can be posted on the arch separating the street containing the guilds from the Courtyard Marketplace. Another spot is located in the Courtyard Marketplace, to the right of Spoils of Toils. You also have the option of posting one in front of Dragon's Hearth, the furniture store.

Once you have posted around four of these you can return to Leiborn who will be waiting for you outside the Bards College. Behind him you can see guests have already arrived.

Leiborn: "Greetings to all! Hurry now! Our entertainment begins momentarily!"

Talk with Leiborn to tell him that you have completed your task.

"Time for the salskap to begin!
You of all people should stay for the entertainment. I wish I had time to hear how you found all the instruments."
I posted the handbills. You should expect a crowd.
"Good! I spoke with my fellow bards and we are in agreement. The instruments shall stay on display and every year we will host a celebration of their return. This way everyone can play and hear them.
I reserved the Seat of Honor for you. Enjoy!"

At this, he will hand you some gold, a pair of Dancer's Treble Shoes and a music box. He will then walk over to the amphitheater to watch the performance begin.

Nimble Vadramea : "Very nice. Everyone in tune?"
Hrofgen : "Everyone ready?"
Thaezara : "Aye. Tuned up."
Beaucourt Madach : "One, Two, Three, Four."

They will begin to to perform, and will continue to do so until you leave the zone.

Quest StagesEdit

A Salskap to Remember
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Leiborn asked me to post handbills announcing the salskap. I should find good locations for them.
Objective: Post the Handbills: 0/4
I posted the handbills Leiborn gave me. Now, I should return to the Bards College.
Objective: Return to the Bards College
Finishes quest  I posted the handbills for the salskap. I should inform Leiborn.
Objective: Talk to Leiborn
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.