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Online:Allomuga the Unstoppable

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Allomuga the Unstoppable
Location Celestial Rifts
Species Gargoyle
Health 1,846,117 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Anka-Ra
Allomuga the Unstoppable

Allomuga the Unstoppable is a gargoyle that appears as the last boss of Celestial Rifts in the Belkarth Region and Upper Craglorn. Outside of having a much larger health pool, Allomuga the Unstoppable doesn't have any unique abilities compared to other standard gargoyles.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Double Swipe
Allomuga the Unstoppable hits the target twice with its claws, first hit dealing moderate physical damage and the second hit minor physical damage.
Heavy Strike/Lacerate
Allomuga the Unstoppable winds up its arm before slamming it down, dealing high physical damage and knocking you down. It also applies a 16 second "Bleeding" effect whch deals minor damage over time. This can be blocked to stagger Allomuga the Unstoppable and to both prevent the crowd control and the bleeding.
Allomuga the Unstoppable slams its fists into the ground three times, causing tremors in a medium-sized AoE that deals moderate physical damage to all standing within range.
Vampiric Touch
Passive ability that heals Allomuga the Unstoppable and its nearby allies everytime Allomuga the Unstoppable successfully strikes a target.