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Tribute Player
Location Roister's Club Chapters
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Roister's Club

Bargrazh is an Orc Tribute player and member of the Roister's Club who can be found in various chapters of the Roister's Club.

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If her rank is Proficient and your rank is below Regular rank:

"Not yet, pup. Put in the work. Get your rank up. Then, we can talk."

If her rank is Expert and your rank is below her rank:

"You've got a lot of work to do before you take me on, pup. Come back when your rank's improved"

If her rank is Novice and your rank is Initiate or higher:

"Let's see those Tribute cards, runt. I'll go easy on you, I promise."
"Here to play Tribute, eh? Good. I need a challenge."
"You here to play Tribute, or chew the fat? I'll tell you right now, I'm not a conversationalist."
"Think you're the best Tribute player around? Shuffle those cards and prove it."
Let's play Tribute.

If her rank is Proficient and your rank is Regular or higher:

"You're not one of these ""play for the fun of it"" folks, are you? For me, fun is optional. Winning is mandatory."
"Looking for a Tribute match, right? Sit down. I'll teach you a thing or two."
"I left my good cards at home, but I wager I can whip you with these. Grab a chair and let's play."
"You ready to see a master at work? Take a seat and deal those cards."
Let's play Tribute.

If her rank is Expert and your rank is Expert or higher:

"Tales of Tribute isn't matter of life and death—but to win, you have to play like it is. Have a seat and I'll show you."
"I've been working on this deck for weeks. You want to try your luck?"
"If you want to rise in the rankings, you've got to play the best. Lucky you. The best is sitting right here."
"I'm on a winning streak that's hotter than Mauloch's anvil! Come on! Shuffle those cards!"
Let's play Tribute.


  • Her appearance and Tribute rank is randomized. She can appear as Novice Tribute Player, Proficient Tribute Player, or Expert Tribute Player.