The Roister's Club is the official club for Tales of Tribute enthusiasts.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Related QuestsEdit
Story QuestsEdit
- Tales of Tribute: Introduction to the Tales of Tribute card game
- The Tournament Begins: As the Tales of Tribute Tournament begins, you become better acquainted with your Gonfalon Bay teammates.
- Challenges of the Past: Sorinne Gaerard's past comes back to haunt her during the second round of the Tournament.
- The Final Round: Master Razhamad needs your assistance in the final round of the Tournament to help Brahgas.
- A New Venture: Continue learning Tales of Tribute
Daily QuestsEdit
- Cards Across the Continent: Win 1-3 Tribute matches vs. NPCs in specified cities across Tamriel.
- Dueling Tributes: Win 1-3 Tribute Matches Against a Fellow Player.
- Tales of Tribute: Series One by The Founders — A diary entry after the author was moved to Doomvault Vulpinaz
- The Secret Origins of Tribute by Brunile Dufont, Games Scholar — The outlined history and manufacturing of a popular card game
- Tribute Beginner's Guide by Master Razhamad, Game-Baron of Gonfalon Bay
Roister's Club has its chapters scattered all across the Tamriel. One chapter of the club can be found in every base game zone, with exception of Craglorn, Coldharbour, Stros M'Kai, Betnikh, Bleakrock Isle, Bal Foyen and Khenarthi's Roost. One chapter can be also found in each of the Chapter zones, with exception of the High Isle, where three chapters can be found. There is no Roister's Club chapter in any of the DLC zones, with the exception of Galen. There is no Roister's Club chapter in Artaeum, Blackreach and Apocrypha. Every chapter has three players of varied Tribute rank, except for the Gonfalon Bay, where ten novice players can be found instead. Tribute players can also be found in Grandvache's Gambling Parlor during the An Eye for an Eye, but this location is not considered a chapter of the Roister's Club.
Base game zonesEdit
Skywatch Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Skywatch is located at the Sleepy Eaglet. (map) Marbruk Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Marbruk is located just outside of the Foundation of Trust. (map) Elden Root Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Elden Root is located just north of the Undaunted Enclave. (map) Rawl'kha Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Rawl'kha is located on the first floor of the Waxing Crescent. (map) Baandari Trading Post Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Baandari Trading Post is located on the first floor of the Silver Moons Inn. (map) |
Shornhelm Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Shornhelm is located on the second floor of the Dead Wolf Inn. (map) Evermore Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Evermore is located on the first floor of the Anchor's Point Inn. (map) Sentinel Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Sentinel is located on the second floor of the Sisters of the Sands Inn. (map) Daggerfall Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Daggerfall is located on the second floor of the Rosy Lion. (map) Wayrest Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Wayrest is located on the first floor of the Cloudy Dregs Inn. (map) |
Davon's Watch Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Davon's Watch is located just south of the Davon's Watch Market District. (map) Stormhold Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Stormhold is located inside the Coin Brothers' Cornerclub. (map) Mournhold Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Mournhold is located inside the tent south of the City Center. (map) Riften Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Riften is located on the second floor of the Withered Tree. (map) Windhelm Tribute ClubEditThe Chapter in Windhelm is located on the first floor of the Sober Nord Tavern. (map) |
Chapter zonesEdit
Vivec City Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Vivec City is located in Saint Delyn Square inside of the Canton of St. Delyn the Wise. (map)
Shimmerene Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Shimmerene is located on the first floor of the Anchors Aweigh Inn. (map)
Rimmen Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Rimmen is located on the first floor of the Sugar Bowl. (map)
Solitude Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Solitude is located on the first floor of the Lonely Troll. (map)
Leyawiin Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Leyawiin is located on the third floor of the Kaladas Inn. (map)
Gonfalon Gaming HallEdit
The Chapter in Gonfalon Bay is located inside the Gonfalon Gaming Hall. (map)
Stonelore Circle Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Stonelore Grove is located inside Grove Goods. (map)
Amenos Station Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Amenos Station is located next to Amenos Amenities. (map)
Necrom Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Necrom is located in the upper floor of the Mourner's Solace Inn.
DLC ZonesEdit
Vastyr Tribute ClubEdit
The Chapter in Vastyr is located inside The Jaded Ornaug Tavern.
Name and Location | Zone |
Amenos Station — The only settlement on Amenos. (map) | High Isle |
Anchors Aweigh Inn — An inn in Shimmerene. (map) | Summerset |
Anchor's Point Inn — A two-story tavern in northern Evermore. (map) | Bangkorai |
Canton of St. Delyn the Wise — Located to the northwest of the Temple Canton in Vivec City. (map) | Vvardenfell |
City Center — A large building located in the center of the city of Mournhold. (map) | Deshaan |
Cloudy Dregs Inn — A tavern in Wayrest Residential District, near the north gate. (map) | Stormhaven |
Coin Brothers' Cornerclub — An inn and tavern located in northwestern Stormhold. (map) | Shadowfen |
Davon's Watch Market District — A gathering of market tents in Davon's Watch located at the southern gate. (map) | Stonefalls |
Dead Wolf Inn — A tavern in Shornhelm Residential District, just off the Market Plaza. (map) | Rivenspire |
Elden Root — A city in eastern-central Valenwood, in the Grahtwood region, and the capital city of the Aldmeri Dominion. (map) | Grahtwood |
Gonfalon Gaming Hall — A gaming establishment on Harbor Island in Gonfalon Bay. (map) | High Isle |
Silver Moons Inn — An inn at the Baandari Trading Post. (map) | Malabal Tor |
Sisters of the Sands Inn — A tavern in Sentinel near the bridge to Fahara'jad's palace. (map) | Alik'r Desert |
Stonelore Grove — A Stonelore Druid grove. (map) | High Isle |
The Foundation of Trust — The Marbruk bank. (map) | Greenshade |
The Kaladas Inn — An inn located in Leyawiin. (map) | Blackwood |
The Lonely Troll — A tavern in Solitude. (map) | Western Skyrim |
The Rosy Lion — An inn and a tavern in Daggerfall Castle Town. (map) | Glenumbra |
The Sleepy Eaglet — An open-air tavern located in northwestern Skywatch. (map) | Auridon |
The Sober Nord Tavern — A two-story Nord-style building and one of two inns in Windhelm. (map) | Eastmarch |
The Sugar Bowl — An inn in Rimmen located near the wayshrine. (map) | Northern Elsweyr |
The Waxing Crescent — An inn in northern Rawl'kha. (map) | Reaper's March |
The Withered Tree — One of two inns in Riften. (map) | The Rift |