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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location Rockgrove, Overgrown Thoroughfare
Race Naga Gender Male
Health Normal14,723,668Veteran20,698,000 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile Class Archer
Other Information
Faction(s) Sul-Xan

Basks-In-Snakes is a large Naga snake handler and member of the Sul-Xan tribe who can be found in the Overgrown Thoroughfare of Rockgrove. He is accompanied by his Giant Snake.

He is an optional boss of the trial, located behind some building off the main path; from the trial entrance, you can find him by taking a left through the hostile flora rather than a right up the stairs to the next section of trash mobs.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Shot
A basic ranged attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Arrow Spray
Basks-In-Snakes shoots a spray of arrows in the direction he is facing as indicated by a red cone. This attack does high physical damage as well as snares all enemies hit.
Basks-In-Snakes fires continuously at an area as indicated by a red circle. This attack does high physical damage over time. Unlike standard archers, several volleys in a row are fired.
Taking Aim
A powerful sniping bow attack that takes time to charge up which deals massive physical damage. This can be interrupted.
Basks-In-Snakes summons a group of five smaller giant snakes to come assist.