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Online:Blind Path Champion

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Blind Path Champion
Location Bedlam Veil
Race Imperial Gender Varies
Health Normal98,233Veteran273,409
Reaction Hostile Class Icereaver
Other Information
Faction(s) Blind Path
Blind Path Champion

Blind Path Champions are Imperial icereavers and members of the Blind Path encountered in Bedlam Veil.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack dealing low physical damage.
Ice Shot
A basic ranged attack dealing low frost damage.
Ice Trap
The icereaver slams their weapon on the ground, creating a long rectangular AoE that deals continuous low frost damage and repeatedly traps affected targets with ice shards.
Frost Maul
The icereaver slowly spins around then slams its weapon on its target, dealing high frost damage and trapping them in place for three seconds. Blocking this attack puts the icereaver off-balance and negates the freeze. Use dodge roll to escape the trap if struck.
The icereaver plants their weapon into the ground which causes ice to erupt both around their direct position and all around them, indicated by several AoEs, dealing high frost damage when combined.