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ON-icon-skill-Bone Tyrant-Bone Armor.png Bone Armor
Line Bone Tyrant
Line Rank 4 Cost 2700 Magicka
Cast Time Instant Duration 20 seconds
Target Self
Morph ON-icon-skill-Bone Tyrant-Beckoning Armor.png Beckoning Armor
Pulls in ranged enemies and attempts to taunt them. Reduces the cost as the ability ranks up.
ON-icon-skill-Bone Tyrant-Summoner's Armor.png Summoner's Armor
Reduces the cost of your Necromancer summon abilities.
Values are based on Max Magicka/Stamina 12000, Max Health 16000, and Weapon/Spell Damage 1000.
Bone Armor: Duration: [17 / 18 / 19 / 20] seconds.
Wrap yourself in hardened bone, granting you Major Resolve, increasing your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5948 for [17 / 18 / 19 / 20] seconds. Creates a corpse when the effect completes.
Beckoning Armor: Cost: [2700 / 2610 / 2520 / 2430] Magicka.
Wrap yourself in hardened bone, granting you Major Resolve, increasing your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5948 for 20 seconds. While active, enemies that strike you with ranged attacks will be pulled toward you once every 2 seconds and become taunted for 15 seconds if they are not already taunted. Creates a corpse when the effect completes.
Summoner's Armor: Wrap yourself in hardened bone, granting you Major Resolve, increasing your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 5948 for 20 seconds. While active, reduce the cost of Blastbones, Skeletal Mage, and Spirit Mender by [12 / 13 / 14 / 15]%. Creates a corpse when the effect completes.

Bone Armor increases your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance, reducing your damage taken from all sources. When the effect expires, it produces a free corpse which can then be used for other purposes. The Beckoning Armor morph pulls in and taunts ranged attackers, while Summoner's Armor reduces the casting cost of all of your summoning spells, including Blastbones, Skeletal Mage, and Spirit Mender.


Patch NotesEdit

  • Beckoning Armor (morph): This morph now attempts to pull valid targets once every 2 seconds, up from once every 3.