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Online:Books by Zone/Malabal Tor

< Online:Books by Zone
Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Generic 121.png
A Nereid Stole My Husband
A cautionary tale Malabal Tor:

Southern Elsweyr:

ON-icon-book-Generic 513.png
Ayleid Cities of Valenwood
the Esteemed Historian Homfrey at the University of Gwylim, 2E 455 An excerpt of a text about the downfall of Ayleid civilization in Valenwood
ON-icon-book-Generic 415.png
Green Lady, My Lady
An ode to the Green Lady
ON-icon-book-Generic 424.png
The Humor of Wood Elves
Telenger the Artificer A collection of Bosmer jokes
ON-icon-book-Generic 524.png
Pirates of the Abecean
A tale of a pirate crew's encounter with the infamous Crimson Ship Blackwood:

Malabal Tor:

Southern Elsweyr:

ON-icon-book-Generic 445.png
The Red Paint
How Orcs make their war paint
ON-icon-book-Generic 432.png
The Voice of the People
On the rise of a new Silvenar, Voice of the People for the Bosmer
ON-icon-book-Generic 423.png
The Wedding Feast: A Memoir
Naral, also known as Baretail A memorial Bosmeri wedding feast Malabal Tor:

West Weald:

ON-icon-book-Generic 332.png
The Woodsmer
Tale of an encounter with the mythical Woodsmer
ON-icon-book-Generic 254.png
Valenwood: A Study
Archivist Endaranande An essay on the Bosmer and their importance to the Aldmeri Dominion