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Online:Captain Dugakh

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Captain Dugakh
Home Settlement Shinji's Scarp
Race Orc Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Daggerfall Covenant, Murtag Clan
Captain Dugakh

Captain Dugakh is a Murtag Clan Orc found at Shinji's Scarp. You can find him outside the yurt due north of the Fighters Guild tent. He will ask you to collect ogre teeth for a battle trophy.

Related QuestsEdit

  •   Ogre Teeth: Help a Murtag clan captain gather components for a war trophy.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Before the quest, he can be found kneeling outside his tent at the Murtag Clan camp chanting:

"Mauloch grant me strength, give me glory."

Speaking to him:

"Steel and stone! Welcome to the Scarp!
We could use your help on the battlefield. Would you join us in the fight for glory?"
I am here to help.
"Good. Very good. Maybe along the way you would help me make my family proud?
I want to come back from battle with something to remember it by, something I can hang on the wall and tell stories about. I want a war trophy."
What kind of trophy?
"A necklace. A necklace made of ogre teeth, with big wide bands, packed with more teeth than you can count."
I've got two sacks of them here at the camp but I need more. The more the better. Help me and I'll help you."
I'll get you some ogre teeth.

Speaking to him again:

"More teeth. More teeth. I can't get enough.
My grandchildren will brag about their ancestors, and show off my trophy necklace."

Once the player returns with all the teeth:

"You smell of ogre blood and victory, friend. You have the teeth?"
Yes. All 124 of them.
"Aha! Good work! Generations of orcs will admire what you've helped create.
I've heard more good news as well. General Godrun said there's another battle coming. Bring it on, I say!"

Post quest, he'll say:

"Someone tell General Godrun to hurry up and give us our orders! If there's to be another battle, let's get on with it!"