Choixth | |||
Location | Summerset Murkmire ![]() |
Race | Argonian | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Shadowscales |
Choixth is an Argonian who can be encountered around Summerset, generally getting in trouble with the law in the form of Bailiff Naramin. You can decide to help her out, or let justice take its course. Witnessing five encounters between Naramin and Choixth grants you the achievement A Book and its Cover.
She can also be encountered in Murkmire, where she reveals herself to be a Shadowscale. It is implied that she may have killed Bailiff Naramin. Learning from her in Murkmire will give you the achievement Surreptitiously Shadowed
Traffic StopEdit
- Choixth: "So, standing around is a crime in Summerset?"
- Baliff Naramin: "Yes, we even have a word for it: loitering. I suggest you learn it."
- "Say, you speak mud-for-brains? I could use some help translating for this obviously under worked officer of the law."
- What's the problem?
- "I've just been standing here trying to mind my own business, until this thug starts telling me to shove off. I'm making people nervous.
Apparently that's a punishable offense in Summerset." - What's the punishment?
- "A fine. Not even a huge fine, but my waters ran dry not long after I arrived here.
They're just looking for an excuse to bully an Argonian."- I can pay for you. [69 Gold]
- "Thanks for your help. If you ever need me to hold your place in line or something, I'm your girl."
- Tough break.
- "Not that you care. Not that anyone cares. Island full of gasbags."
If you pay her fine:
- Choixth: "If you'll excuse me, I was tired of standing here anyway."
If you speak to her after freeing her, she says:
- "Thanks for your help. If you ever need me to hold your place in line or something, I'm your girl."
Otherwise, the bailiff leads her off towards Alinor. If you speak to her after getting her arrested, but before they walk away, she says:
- "Well. At least I'll get a roof over my head tonight."
Pecking OrderEdit
When approached the Baliff and Choixth can be heard arguing about chickens.
- Choixth: "Look, those birds tasted awful. I did that farmer a favor!"
- Baliff Naramin: "He's disinclined to agree."
Choixth can be asked about the situation.
- "Well! I'm running into all my old friends today.
Look, before that reed-licker tells you otherwise: I thought those chickens were wild." - What happened now? And how are chickens involved?
- "I was going about my usual routine, down on my luck, starving. When out of nowhere these chickens—wild chickens, on the loose—happened across my path like a gift from the Divine. What else was I to do but eat them?"
- So you stole some chickens.
- "I didn't steal nothing. I just caught some free-running fowl and some muck-stepper is trying to lay claim to them, after the fact. Honest mistake, at worst!
Maybe you could help the officer here look past it? This one time? Again?"
If Baliff Naramin is convinced to let her go:
- "Thanks for watching my hind-scales. You ever need chickens caught, or eaten, you find me!"
Otherwise, he leads her off towards Alinor.
The Usual SuspectEdit
- Choixth: "We both know the reason you're here. You're in love with me!"
- Baliff Naramin: "I'm adding obscenity to the list of charges."
- "Hey! Hey, it's you. The ... person I like. Wait ... do I like you? I can't remember. Doesn't matter! I can like anybody right now! Even this stick in the mud! Help me loosen him up!"
- Are you drunk?
- "Yes! Found a couple bottles of the good stuff! Have some—oh, they're all empty now.
I was trying to find some more, but this handsome devil says I'm making a scene. Won't let me go. I know his game." - Well, you are making a scene.
- "It's not my fault they kick you out of taverns if you can't pay! I even brought my own bottles! And this ain't that tavern swill either—the label says reserve!
Now if handsome there wanted to buy me a drink, that'd be another story." - You know what? I've got you covered. [347 Gold]
- "What a friend! You're the best. I love you, not that Elf. He won't even dance with me!
To you ... person!"
Forgive Our TrespassEdit
- Choixth: "Keep it down! I'm trying to sleep here!"
- Baliff Naramin: "I know. That's the problem."
- "What's it going to take for a girl to get some shut eye around here?"
- You don't seem too happy.
- "That's because I'm not. Dryskin over here has in it for me now.
Says I've been seen trespassing on some noble's land. Valenbear, or something. Even if I did, all I was doing was taking a shortcut. Or I was until I took a nap." - You're turning up around this kinlord a lot.
- "Oh, not you too. How was I supposed to know this tree was owned by the Kinlord? I didn't see his name on it. If he doesn't like people trespassing maybe he shouldn't own so much land!"
- I suppose I believe you.
- "Thanks for the vote of confidence. Maybe you could persuade that ugly Elf to stop harassing me then?"
- I think it's more than just a coincidence.
- "Ugh, what is with people here! I haven't got anything against Kinlord What's-His-Face! If anything he's got something against me. I just want to be left alone!
Get that through your round head, then maybe get it through his while you're at it!"
- "Ugh, what is with people here! I haven't got anything against Kinlord What's-His-Face! If anything he's got something against me. I just want to be left alone!
- I suppose I believe you.
If detained:
- Choixth: "Oh? Look who's forward now! I knew you were sweet on me!"
If you let her go:
- Choixth: "Well, now that that's settled, me and this tree have some cuddling to get to."
Justice for AllEdit
- Choixth: "You know, I'm going to miss these little exchanges."
- Baliff Naramin: "If you think I will just roll over and let this happen, you are mistaken."
- "Hey! The whole gang's here! You're just in time to see me off. I was just wrapping up my goodbyes with my favorite Bailiff."
- Are you in trouble again?
- "No, not at all. Even got papers to prove it, signed by the Chief Justiciar! Says I'm clear of any suspicion in the recent disappearance.
The Bailiff is having a hard time reconciling that. I think maybe he can't read." - You mean Kinlord Valenbar's disappearance?
- "Alleged disappearance. I understand he wrote a very detailed note, expressing a desire to take up sailing in some faraway land. Lords and their money, right?
I have a mind to leave Summerset, as well. Too bad the Bailiff won't get out of my way." - Did you have anything to do with it?
- "The Bailiff seems to think I had something to do with it, but he's had it out for me since day one. Lucky for me, it's not up to him this time. I'm in the clear.
Nice bumping into you again. We're regular partners in crime at this point."
If you let Choixth go free:
- Baliff Naramin: "Just get out of here. I hope to never see you again."
- Choixth: "If you do, I promise it'll be brief."
If detained:
- Baliff Naramin: "Forget your travel plans. I'm placing you under arrest for conspiracy."
- Choixth: "Oh, sweetie, you're making such a big mistake."
There are several factors defining how she will speak to you in Murkmire:
- If you met her in Summerset or not
- Whether or not you are a member of the Dark Brotherhood
- Whether or not your character is an Argonian
Meeting Choixth in MurkmireEdit
- Choixth: "Watch your step. You never know what might jump out of the murk to kill you."
If you haven't met Choixth in Summerset:
If you met her in Summerset, she will remember you:
After her welcome to Murkmire, she will make a promise:
- Choixth: "Don't find me. I'll find you."
Speak to Choixth About Taking LivesEdit
When you pass by her:
- Choixth: "If it isn't my favorite vagabond. Keeping busy?"
She can then be spoken with:
- "Sithis hasn't made a meal of you yet, so I guess you're getting acclimated. Of course, you've been devoted in your offerings. Keep the serpent fed and it has little reason to bite."
- What offerings?
- "You toss souls to the Void like grain to fowl. Some call me ku-vastei, but you—you're more like a flood."
- "Fresh seeds don't thrive if they're choked by old weeds. Hacking down overgrowth sows and nurtures the fields from which something new and vibrant will sprout.
Plant without reaping and sooner or later all you'll have are old sticks in the mud."
- "Fresh seeds don't thrive if they're choked by old weeds. Hacking down overgrowth sows and nurtures the fields from which something new and vibrant will sprout.
- Ku-vastei? / You said something before: ku-vastei. What does that mean?
- "Catalyst of Change, but ku-vastei rolls off the tongue so much better. Sometimes it's a person, sometimes it's a thing, but when the world gets stuck in the mire, a ku-vastei is what sets things into motion again."
- And you're one of these ku-vastei?
- "No, I'm a Shadowscale, but they're often one and the same. We are the chisel to stone. Sithis shapes the world through us, one careful cut at a time.
Or sometimes it wants the slate wiped clean and it sends someone like you."
- "No, I'm a Shadowscale, but they're often one and the same. We are the chisel to stone. Sithis shapes the world through us, one careful cut at a time.
Once she has said her piece, she will send you off with a farewell:
- Choixth: "I've got my part to do, so I'll leave you to do yours. Be seeing you."
Speak to Choixth About Order and ChaosEdit
When she sees you, Choixth will call out:
- Choixth: "Staying moist, beeko?"'
- "You wasted no time getting your feet wet since you arrived. Really jumped in with both feet. I'd guess you must be about-oh-neck deep in tribal affairs by now. How's that treating you?"
- Why do you care?
- "What kind of hostess would I be if I didn't make sure you were having a pleasant stay? Most of our guests don't take as much interest in the politics around here as you seem to. I'm surprised you can make heads or tails of it."
- What makes you say that?
- "Outside of Black Marsh, everyone likes everything so neat and tidy. Organized. Orderly. Predictable. Most ojel don't know what to do with themselves without all those laws telling them what to do. Not you though. You're not afraid of chaos."
- No, but I still like order.
- "Who doesn't like a little peace and quiet? I've been known to silence the occasional noisy pest making a racket, when the situation calls for it. Just because no one's in charge, doesn't mean that no one's guiding the group."
- I enjoy it.
- "And that's why you're alive. Sithis doesn't care for your rules or your desires. Sithis does as it will, and woe to those who resist. They are cursed to relive their futile toil every day.
Follow Sithis, and your life will be anything but routine."
- "And that's why you're alive. Sithis doesn't care for your rules or your desires. Sithis does as it will, and woe to those who resist. They are cursed to relive their futile toil every day.
Once you have finished talking with her, she will say goodbye:
- Choixth: "We've lingered long enough. I'll be seeing you soon, I'm sure."
Speak to Choixth About Living LightlyEdit
As you approach, she'll say:
- Choixth: "You're doing it wrong."
Speak to her.
- "I was hoping I'd rubbed off on you, but here you are still clinging to the meaningless."
- Excuse me?
- "Helping these boring people dig up their pasts. Attaching significance to the old bones and cracked stone. Picking up every little thing you see because you think ownership matters. I'll bet you've got chests full of junk you don't need."
- I do accumulate a lot of junk in my travels.
- "At least you can admit it. Most of the things you've been taught to need—out there—are really just a burden. Do you need a fork? A drawer full of forks? A room just to dine in? What'd you part with so you could meet these needs? Too much, I say."
- It's not junk, it's crafting materials. I have hobbies.
- "Well, you're very skilled at making baggage for yourself. Preparation is storing food for lean times. Piling up lumber and lemons for the ill-conceived juice stall you're never going to open is just procrastinating. Use it or let it go. Trust me."
- I don't hang on to anything I don't have plans for.
- "Then you're wiser than most ojel. They drown for lock-boxes sinking in the mud and toil endlessly for wealth they'll never spend. Fools, quick to part with the one thing they can't replace for meaningless things and places to keep them."
Regardless, the conversation ends with:
- Whats your point?
- "You learn to step lightly in the swamp, or you drown … or get eaten … or-well, you get the idea. Try not to let these bone-polishers get you killed sifting through the mud for old rocks."
As you walk away, she'll say:
- Choixth: "Don't forget to empty your pockets now and again."
Part Ways With ChoixthEdit
Approach her location and she'll call:
- Choixth : "How nice of you to see me off."
- This is goodbye then.
- "For now. I'm sure we'll cross paths again, as ku-vastei often do. If you happen to find me doing Sithis's work, I don't know you, but you're welcome to make my job easier."
- Where are you headed?
- "That will be between me and the Speakers, but I hope it's somewhere warm. Even Shadowscales like to sunbathe. This one does, anyway.
I think you'll manage without me watching over your shoulder. If not, you should have paid better attention."
Related AchievementsEdit
There are two achievements associated with this character:
Achievement | Points | Description | |
A Book and its Cover | 15 | Complete Bailiff Naramin's investigation of Choixth. | |
Surreptitiously Shadowed | 5 | Get to know the Shadowscale with peculiar interest in your activities in Murkmire. |